- Ahmed1713
- bluevelvet88
- bygreencnChina
- chrisgorgoAnthropic PBC
- cwatsonUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- danieltomaszGhent University
- davebrazeWest Haven, CT
- eglereanAalto University
- ForrestCKoch@unsw-edu-au
- gdevenyiCerebral Imaging Center, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, @CobraLab
- handwerkerdSilver Spring, MD, USA
- HboniFrance
- hillhillll
- ingo-mEyeEm
- jdkent@PsychoinformaticsLab
- JosueMAMéxico
- kchawla-pi
- KirstieJane@alan-turing-institute @the-turing-way
- ljcollingUniversity of Cambridge
- meklineMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- naveauCaen Normandy University
- nicholstUniversity of Oxford
- oestebanCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudoise
- pbellecPsycho | CRIUGM | University of Montreal
- PeerHerholzNorthwestern University
- rciricStanford University
- sappelhoff@Zanderlabs
- Shotgunosine
- spherik
- stfnrpplngr
- tjmahrMadison, WI
- TomDonoghueNew York City
- tsaloUniversity of Pennsylvania
- tyarkoniMidJourney, Inc.
- vesaoikonenTurku PET Centre, University of Turku