
TextAttributes provides type-safe API for setting text attributes for common UIKit components.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


TextAttributes provides simple to use API for setting text attributes for common UIKit components.

TextAttributes allow you to forget about chunky NSAttributedString API == you don't have to remember the [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] or it's consecutive string keys (.font, .foregroundColor, .kern) and rather focus directly on styling.


let textAttributes = TextAttributes.attributes(font: Font.normalRegular, color: Color.white)
  • UILabel
label.textAttributes = textAttributes
  • UIButton
button.setAttributes(textAttributes, for: .normal)
  • UITextView
textView.textAttributes = textAttributes


Add source

source 'https://github.com/bielikb/TextAttributes.git'
pod 'TextAttributes', '~> 1.0.1'