
WSPR tx for osmo-fl2k

Primary LanguageC


built on initial work in https://github.com/peterbmarks/fl2k and https://osmocom.org/projects/osmo-fl2k/wiki

** I'm seeing a lot of drift in the signal, don't know how to get around this. I will leave this project for now, maybe come back to it when I learn more about fl2k **

install libusb

sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

increase usb buffer size

On Ubuntu: $ sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'

install udev rule to allow non root users to access the device

$ sudo cp osmo-fl2k.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ $ sudo udevadm control -R $ sudo udevadm trigger


$ make