Optionals lab

Fork and clone this repo. On your fork, answer and commit the follow questions. When you are finished, submit the link to your repo on Canvas.

Question 1

a. Given the variable userNameOne below, print "The username is Test User". Use Optional Binding (if let) to print the name.

var userNameOne: String? = "Test User"

My code:

var userNameOne: String? = "Test User"
if let validString = userNameOne {
    print("The username is \(validString)")
} else {
    print("String, \(userNameOne), is unvailable")

b. Given the variable userNameTwo below, print "The username is undefined". Use the nil coalescing operator (??).

var userNameTwo: String? = nil

My code:

var userNameTwo: String? = nil
print(userNameTwo ?? "the username is undefined")

Question 2

a. Given the variables rectOneWidth and rectOneHeight below, print "The area of rectOne is 50". Use Optional Binding (if let) to print the area.

var rectOneWidth: Double? = 5
var rectOneHeight: Double? = 10
var rectOneWidth: Double? = 5
var rectOneHeight: Double? = 10
if let validDoubleWidth = rectOneWidth, let validDoubleHeight = rectOneHeight {
    print("The area of rectOne is: \(validDoubleWidth * validDoubleHeight)")
} else {
    print("The area of rectOne is unavailble")

b. Given the variables rectTwoWidth and rectTwoHeight below, print "The are of rectTwo is not able to be calculated". Use Optional Binding (if let) to print this message.

var rectTwoWidth: Double? = nil
var rectTwoHeight: Double? = nil
var rectTwoWidth: Double? = nil
var rectTwoHeight: Double? = nil

if let validDoubleWidth = rectTwoWidth, let validDoubleHeight = rectTwoHeight {
    print("The area of rectTwo is: \(validDoubleWidth * validDoubleHeight)")
} else {
    print("The area of rectTwo is not able to be calculated")

Question 3

a. Given the variables userOneName, userOneAge, and userOneHeight below, write code that prints "Hello Anne! You are 15 years old and 5.8 feet tall" (1 foot = 12 inches). Use optional binding.

var userOneName: String? = "Anne"
var userOneAge: Int? = 15
var userOneHeight: Double? = 70

My code:

 var userOneName: String? = "Anne"
 var userOneAge: Int? = 15
 var userOneHeight: Double? = 70

 if let validName = userOneName, let validAge = userOneAge, let validHeight = userOneHeight {
     print("Hello \(validName)!  You are \(validAge) years old and \(validHeight/12) feet tall")

b. Given the variables userTwoName, userTwoAge and userTwoHeight below, write code that prints "Hello user! You are 15 years old and I don't know how tall you are". Use optional binding

var userTwoName: String? = nil
var userTwoAge: Int? = 15
var userTwoHeight: Double? = nil

My code:

var userTwoName: String? = nil
var userTwoAge: Int? = 15
var userTwoHeight: Double? = nil

if let validName = userTwoName, let validAge = userTwoAge, let validHeight = userTwoHeight {
    print("Hello \(validName)!  You are \(validAge) years old and \(validHeight/12) feet tall")
} else if let validAge = userTwoAge{
    print("Hello user!  You are \(validAge) years old and I don't know how tall you are")

Question 4

Give the variable favoriteNumber, write code that either prints "Your favorite number is " followed by the number, or "I don't know what your favorite number is"

favoriteNumber is of type Int? and will either be nil or a random number between 0 and 10. It will change each time you run your Playground.

var favoriteNumber = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil

My code:

var favoriteNumber = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil

if let validFavNum = favoriteNumber {
    print("Your favorite number is \(validFavNum)")
} else {
    print("I don't know what your favorite number is")

Question 5

Given the variables numOne, numTwo and numThree, write code that prints "The sum of all the numbers is " followed by their sum. If a number is nil, don't add it to the sum. If all numbers are nil, the sum is zero.

var numOne = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numTwo = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numThree = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numOne = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numTwo = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numThree = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil

let sum = (numOne ?? 0) + (numTwo ?? 0) + (numThree ?? 0)
print("The sum is: \(sum)")

Question 6

a. Given the variable numbers below, write code that prints "The sum of all the numbers is " followed by their sum. If a number is nil, don't add it to the sum. If all numbers are nil, the sum is zero.

var numbers = [Int?]()

for _ in 0..<10 {
    numbers.append(Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...100) : nil)

My code:

var numbers1 = [Int?]()
var sum1 = 0

for _ in 0..<10 {
    numbers1.append(Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...100) : nil)

for num in numbers1 {
    sum1 += num ?? 0

print("The sum of all numbers is: \(sum1)")

b. Using the same variable, find the average of all non-nil values.

My code:

var numbers1 = [Int?]()
var sum1 = 0
var iterations = 0

for _ in 0..<10 {
    numbers1.append(Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...100) : nil)

for num in numbers1 {
    sum1 += num ?? 0
    iterations += 1

let avg1 = sum1 / iterations
print("The average of all numbers is: \(avg1)")

Extra Questions
