
An (unofficial) Python3 module to query the SmallWorld chemical space search server (https://sw.docking.org/search.html)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is Unofficial. So please do not abuse it or use it when you cannot legally use the site!

An (unofficial) Python3 module to query the SmallWorld chemical space search server (https://sw.docking.org/search.html) .

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The SmallWorld server, sw.docking.org, allows one to search for similar compounds to a give SMILES in one of many databases —a very complex feat.

The API points of the site are described in wiki.docking.org/index.php/How_to_use_SmallWorld_API.

This Python3 module allows one to search it.


pip install -q smallworld-api


The following searches for Aspirin in Enamine's make-on-demand space, Enamine REAL, which does not contain it as the latter is filtered by Lipinski's rule of five.

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import PandasTools
import pandas as pd  # for typehinting below

from smallworld_api import SmallWorld

aspirin = 'O=C(C)Oc1ccccc1C(=O)O'
sw = SmallWorld()
results : pd.DataFrame = sw.search(aspirin, dist=5, db=sw.REAL_dataset)

from IPython.display import display

The first two import lines are optional as the code works without rdkit. If pandas gets imported before PandasTools and Chem imported not in main then display issues happen, which can be fixed with a from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole.

So it's up to you to remember to run:

PandasTools.AddMoleculeColumnToFrame(results, 'smiles', 'molecule', includeFingerprints=True)

The argument db for .search is a string and is the name of the database. These do seem to change, so they get updated during initialisation or with the call:

dbs: pd.DataFrame = SmallWorld.retrieve_databases()  #: pd.DataFrame (.db_choices gets updated too)

The dynamic properties .REAL_dataset and .ZINC_dataset simply return the best value from the presets, which may have become out of date (unless updated).

Query terms

The first argument passed to .search can be:

  • a str (SMILES)
  • a Chem.Mol (rdkit is an optional requirement though)
  • a list-like (sequence) or a dict-like (mapping) of the above, where the index or key becomes the name in the output table.

See the class attribute dictionary SmallWorld.default_submission for what the defaults are set to, which ought to be:

{'dist': 8, 'tdn': 6, 'rdn': 6, 'rup': 2, 'ldn': 2, 'lup': 2, 'maj': 6, 'min': 6, 'sub': 6, 'sdist': 12, 'tup': 6, 'scores': 'Atom Alignment,ECFP4,Daylight'}

If one is sure that the correct dataset is being used and any raised NoMatchError is due to the SMILES, then once can add for the last case the argument tolerate_tolerate_NoMatchError=True, which makes them ignored bar for a warning.


The instantiation is set up so for debugging, namely it has two attributes of interest:

  • sw.last_reply, a requests.Response instance
  • sw.hit_list_id an integer representing the search (AKA. hlid in the server responses)

The errors raised are generally either requests.HTTPError or smallworld.NoMatchError. The former is raised by a requests.Response.raise_for_status call and means there is a status code that isn't 200, the latter is raised by one of the various checks in sw.get_results().

For the former errors, i.e. those by a serverside-declared HTML-formatting error (eg. status code 404), if one is in a Jupyter notebook one can do sw.show_reply_as_html(). Generally if you get status code 500, it is best to try again tomorrow as the server is having a hard time and is probably not okay on the web.

For the latter, the result in .last_reply should be a JSON string, therefore should give something like this:

reply_data: dict = sw.last_reply.json()

A common issue is the change in database names, therefore do do and pick a different one (ATM, the index of the dataframe is the name to use, but in 2021 it was the name)

from IPython.display import display

from smallworld_api import SmallWorld
db_table : pd.DataFrame = SmallWorld.retrieve_databases()
display( db_table )

There will be a "ground control to major Tom" warning in the first query. This weird reply means that the stream has finished, but not closed or something. Ignore it.

Also, as a shorthand, mol: Chem.Mol = SmallWorld.check_smiles(aspirin) can be called to check if the molecules is fine.

For extreme debugging, open Chrome and go to sw.docking.org and open the developer tools (F12). Then go to the Network tab and do a search, eg. with CC2=CC=C(CNC(=O)C1CCC1)C=N2, this will be populated by all the figure requests, but /search/submit will be the first one to look at if the issue is with the submit method in the trace, /search/view if it's with the get_results method. Then simply copy the url query off the request and use it as parameters or compare them etc. For example:

import urllib.parse
from smallworld_api import SmallWorld

url_query = '👾=👾&👾=👾'
expected = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(url_query))

class Debug(SmallWorld):
    def submit_query(self, params):
        # override the method to check the parameters
        print('Going to use:', params)
        print('Missing:', set(expected).difference(params))
        return super().submit_query(expected)

d = Debug()
d.search('CCO', db=d.REAL_dataset)

If it's a field that change, raise an issue and I'll update the class or do a pull request 🙏.


The database choices can seen with the preset list SmallWorld.db_choices. But also this can be recached via the classmethod SmallWorld.retrieve_databases().

Two databases, REAL_Space_21Q3_2B(public) and REAL_DB_20Q2, are Enamine REAL databases (aka. Enamine will make the compound on request). Previously, the repository, enamine-real-search was good for this, but unfortunately Enamine changed their endpoints. So I wrote this to take its place! Despite the smaller number of entries, REAL_DB_20Q2 gives the most hits and is less likely to "Major Tom out".

Likewise, the attribute SmallWorld.sf_choices (type list) and the classmethod SmallWorld.retrieve_scorefun_options() do the same. The values are less and are: ['Atom Alignment', 'SMARTS Alignment', 'ECFP4', 'Daylight'], but these are activated by default and will be visible as columns in the resulting dataframe from a search call.

Here is the full list of databases:

import pandas as pd

choices: pd.DataFrame = SmallWorld.retrieve_databases()


Which will return (as of writing on the 9th Dec 2021):

name numEntries numMapped numUnmapped numSkipped status
REAL_Space_21Q3_All_2B_public.smi.anon REAL_Space_21Q3_2B(public) 1950356098 1935062471 15293627 0 Available
ZINC-All-2020Q2-1.46B.anon ZINC-All-20Q2-1.46B 1468554638 1467030947 1523691 231 Available
ZINC-For-Sale-2020Q2-1.46B.anon ZINC-For-Sale-20Q2-1.46B 1464949146 1463519428 1429718 22 Available
ZINC20-ForSale-21Q3.smi.anon ZINC20-ForSale-21Q3-1.4B 1479284919 1440784765 38500154 29 Available
Enamine_REAL_Public_July_2020_Q1-2_1.36B.anon REAL_DB_20Q2 1361198468 1350462346 10736122 0 Available
Wait-OK-2020Q2-1.2B.anon Wait-OK-20Q2-1.2B 1174063221 1172785190 1278031 1 Available
WuXi-20Q4.smi.anon WuXi-20Q4-600M 2353582875 600762581 1752820294 284 Available
MculeUltimate-20Q2.smi.anon MculeUltimate_20Q2_126M 126471523 126471523 0 0 Available
WuXi-2020Q2-120M.anon WuXi-20Q2-120M 339132361 120400570 218731791 0 Available
mcule_ultimate_200407_c8bxI4.anon Mcule_ultimate_20Q2-126M 126471523 45589462 80882061 0 Available
BB-All-2020Q2-26.7M.anon BB-All-20Q2-26.7M 26787985 26707241 80744 16 Available
In-Stock-2020Q2-13.8M.anon In-Stock-20Q2-13.8M 13842485 13829086 13399 1 Available
ZINC20-InStock-21Q3.smi.anon ZINC20-InStock-21Q3-11M 11122445 11103910 18535 5 Available
BBall.smi.anon BB-All-21Q4-3.3M 3319960 3319705 255 6 Available
BBnow.smi.anon BB-Now-21Q4-2M 2076639 2076464 175 6 Available
BB-Now-2020Q2-1.6M.anon BB-Now-20Q2-1.6M 1649789 1649386 403 4 Available
BB_50.smi.anon BB-50-21Q4-1.5M 1483551 1483434 117 2 Available
BB_10.smi.anon BB-10-21Q4-1.2M 1243321 1243241 80 0 Available
BB_40.smi.anon BB-40-21Q4-590K 589959 589911 48 4 Available
interesting.smi.anon ZINC-Interesting-20Q2-320K 320845 320773 72 1 Available
ZINC-Interesting-2020Q2-300K.anon ZINC-Interesting-20Q2-300K 307854 300765 7089 1 Available
TCNMP-2020Q2-31912.anon TCNMP-20Q2-31912 37438 31912 5526 0 Available
BB_30.smi.anon BB-30-21Q4-3K 3129 3119 10 0 Available
WorldDrugs-2020Q2-3004.anon WorldDrugs-20Q2-3004 3004 3003 1 0 Available
HMDB-2020Q2-584.anon HMDB-20Q2-584 585 584 1 0 Available


There is a Python module called smallworld, which implements the small world algorithm. This is not an API to the sw.docking.org site.

The blog of the sw.docking.org site mentions a pysmallworld. There is no mention of this in Google so I am guessing it is for a future feature? I however need to use this now as I need it as a publicly usable example workflow of Fragmenstein.

Also, there is a great and wacky boardgame called Small World, with a curious/agonising dynamic which forces you to not be a collector.