checklists/server-checklist.sh - base checklist, draft version.
linux/getswap.sh - get current swap usage for all running processes.
linux/showcrons.sh - show cron tasks found in the system (system-wide and per-user cron tasks).
linux/bashrc - my version of bashrc
postgresql/pgbackup/clonepg.sh - create basebackup of postgresql server cluster and perform validation if required.
postgresql/pgbackup/basebackup-validation.sh - perform basebackup validation.
postgresql/psqlrc - my psqlrc version
postgresql/pgbouncer-log-analyze.sh - lightweight pgbouncer log analyzer
postgresql/postgresql-log-bite.sh - cut part of postgresql.log with specified start and end time
postgresql/postgresql-log-stat.sh - show various stat of postgres log
postgresql/sql/ - sql snippets
service-configs/ - well-turned configuration files for services.
misc/megafon-ural-service-guide.sh - script which show the Megafon account status information.
misc/zbx-freebsd-shell-hell.sh - ad-hoc stat collector
misc/zbx-linux-shell-hell.sh - ad-hos stat collector
benchmarking/gnuplot/ - gnuplot scripts
benchmarking/pgbench/ - pgbench scripts
cheatsheets/ - linux command cheatsheets
old-stuff/ - trash