Hi there 👋!

Who I am?

  • A solution architect based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Have 10 years of hands-on experience in technology consulting, stakeholder engagement, product development.
  • Developed products for healthcare, financial service, F&B, retail, and logistics business domains.
  • Have built native, hybrid, and web apps targeting multi-platform and cross-platform ecosystems in monolithic and microservices architectures.

What I'm doing?

  • 🏢 Working at SELISE as a Senior Solution Architect.
  • 👨‍💻 Writing C# SQL XAML HTML CSS JavaScript.
  • 🌍 Mostly active on and the .NET community.
  • 📚 Currently learning about clean architecture, wasm, large scale system design, and techical pitch.
  • 👯 Looking to collaborate on .NET projects.
  • 🥰 Building Astro-Odyssey, Candy-Craze, Hungry-Worm, Sky-Way, Memory-Match, Honk-Hero & Phototis as pet projects.

What I like to disscuss about?

  • 💬 Ask me about microsoft stack web APIs system design scalability design patterns data structures coding speed hacks clean code requirement analysis choice of frameworks and tech culture.

What my skill set looks like?

What's interesting about me?

  • 😎 I am an ambivert and I can speak english in multiple accents.
  • 🧐 I love to be very precise and thorough. I hate procrastinating.
  • ✍️ I write about why a certain code is written instead of what in the comments.
  • ⏱️ I'm a workaholic and drink a lot of ☕ coffee.
  • 😅 I just can't resist the urge to explore a new tech released in the .NET ecosystem.

What companies have I worked for?

What are my recent highlights?