- 0
- 8
Failed to connect to localhost:10000
#12 opened by ggrossetie - 0
- 1
How can I use beeline to solve Chinese garbled
#37 opened by Ccupidr - 1
Cannot connect to hive metastore using dbeaver
#53 opened by italobr89 - 0
Fails on Apple Silicon M2
#58 opened by soumilshah1995 - 0
- 3
- 2
Compatible version for hadoop 3.2.0
#35 opened by linyongfu2013 - 1
How to connect hive remotely?
#50 opened by IzayoiAster - 4
Error starting the containers
#39 opened by wise-coders - 8
Getting qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped Segmentation fault
#43 opened by ruchit6370 - 3
Add export of port 8020 for namenode
#27 opened by BekyP - 3
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
How can I access Yarn Web UI
#46 opened by LinanYaooo - 11
- 0
how can i post text file to HDFS
#44 opened by baisui1981 - 0
Is there an updated version of "docker-hive" ...
#42 opened by nmvega - 0
how to add hive container to docker-hadoop
#41 opened by maor-creator - 2
Debian dependency not found, error
#31 opened by carlosalvidrez - 0
Presto connector version
#38 opened by staftermath - 1
upload external file to hdfs
#19 opened by yossioz - 2
Spark app can't connect to HDFS: RPC response exceeds maximum data length
#32 opened by MattCoachCarter - 0
Presto cannot find the hive tables
#33 opened by hy9be - 9
- 2
- 0
Create version with hive 3
#26 opened by asm0dey - 1
Lack of license
#29 opened by lr4d - 1
[Question] Is your configuration working for HIVE_VERSION=1.1.0 & HIVE_VERSION=3.1.1
#22 opened by tjlee - 2
- 2
No space on DataNode
#15 opened by webfrank - 2
adding an all-in-one prestodb?
#10 opened by shawnzhu - 7
LOAD DATA unable to locate files
#9 opened by enanablancaynumeros - 0
Testing on docker swarm
#5 opened by earthquakesan - 2
Update README file
#8 opened by earthquakesan - 1
- 0
No such file or directory on hive_server start
#6 opened by tjlee - 5
Hive CLI access
#2 opened by mkscala - 1
compose run error
#1 opened by MarcinKosinski