
A Boot plugin with tasks for clj-nifi projects.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A Boot plugin with tasks for clj-nifi projects.


To use this in your project:

Clojars Project

and then require the tasks:

(require '[boot-nifi.core :refer [nar-pom nar download-nifi run-nifi]])


Run nar-pom task if you only want to generate the pom.xml file for the nar distribution:

Create nar pom.xml

  -h, --help             Print this help info.
  -P, --project PROJECT  PROJECT sets project id (eg. foo/bar).
  -V, --version VERSION  VERSION sets project version.


$ boot nar-pom --project foo-group/bar-project --version 1.0.1

Run nar task if you want to build the nar file (includes nar-pom):

Builds a nar file

  -h, --help             Print this help info.
  -P, --project PROJECT  PROJECT sets project id (eg. foo/bar).
  -V, --version VERSION  VERSION sets project version.


$ boot nar --project foo-group/bar-project --version 1.0.1    

Run download-nifi task to download the Apache NiFi and set it up in the project directory:

Sets up NiFi locally in the project

  -h, --help   Print this help info.
  -F, --force  Forces the home directory to be overwritten


$ boot download-nifi
$ boot download-nifi --force

Run run-nifi task to run a NiFi container which is installed in the specified home directory. The default NiFi installation is the in nifi-home directory as created by the download-nifi task:

Runs a NiFi server

  -h, --help       Print this help info.
  -H, --home HOME  HOME sets niFi home directory.
  -V, --verbose    Verbose


Depending on your workflow you may define project specific tasks that wrap these, e.g.:

(deftask build
         "Builds the application."
         (comp (pom :project project
                    :version version)
               (aot :all true)
               (nar :project project
                    :version version)

(deftask run
         "Runs the application in a local NiFi container"
         (comp (build)
               (sift :include #{#".*\.nar"})
               (target :dir #{"nifi-home/lib"} :no-clean true)

See also


Copyright © 2016 Big Solutions

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.