
About cedictToSqlite:

Converts a cedict dictionary file to a sqlite3 database file. Only works on linux. Windows utf-8 problems have not been solved; however, runs fine in WSL.

Getting started


Use git to clone the repository. Then init and update submodule "SQLiteCpp".

git clone https://github.com/camccar/cedictToSqliteLinux.git
cd cedictToSqliteLinux
git submodule init
git submodule update

CMake and build:

Use ./build.sh script, or cmake commande line (example for Linux):

mkdir -p build
cd build

# Generate a Makefile for GCC (or Clang, depanding on CC/CXX envvar)
cmake ..

# Build (ie 'make')
cmake --build .


Launch build/cedictToSqlite from the command line with a cedict._ts.u8 file in the directory running the executable