
This project contains a Node.js starter template for a Neo4j movies dataset.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This web app originally written by kbastani and theflipside. The API is built with Express 3 and the frontend is witten with React. Feel encouraged to fork and update this repo!

The Model


  • Movie
  • Person
  • Genre
  • Keyword


  • (:Person)-[:ACTED_IN {role:"some role"}]->(:Movie)
  • (:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(:Movie)
  • (:Person)-[:WRITER_OF]->(:Movie)
  • (:Person)-[:PRODUCED]->(:Movie)
  • (:MOVIE)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(:Genre)

The Data

Setting up the database

neo4j-import --into database/ --nodes:Person csv/person_node.csv --nodes:Movie csv/movie_node.csv --nodes:Genre csv/genre_node.csv --nodes:Keyword csv/keyword_node.csv --relationships:ACTED_IN csv/acted_in_rels.csv --relationships:DIRECTED csv/directed_rels.csv --relationships:HAS_GENRE csv/has_genre_rels.csv --relationships:HAS_KEYWORD csv/has_keyword_rels.csv --relationships:PRODUCED csv/produced_rels.csv --relationships:WRITER_OF csv/writer_of_rels.csv --delimiter ";" --array-delimiter "|" --id-type INTEGER
  • Using the Neo4j GUI, select the database you just built, and run it!
  • You should see a database populated with Movie, Genre, Keyword, and Person nodes.


Start the API by running node api/app.js

Look at the docs at http://localhost:3000/docs

  • cd api
  • npm install (if package.json changed)
  • in config.js, update the neo4j-local and neo4j-remote URLs as needed
  • node app.js starts the API
  • Take a look at the docs at http://localhost:3000/docs


Start the app with:

  • cd web
  • npm install (if package.json changed)
  • bower install to install the styles
  • copy config/settings.example.js to settings.js
  • gulp (starts the app on http://localhost:4000/)