
Bulk scanning tool for ServiceNow CVE-2024-4879 vulnerability

Primary LanguagePython


Bulk scanning tool for ServiceNow CVE-2024-4879 vulnerability.



This tool is designed for bulk scanning of the ServiceNow CVE-2024-4879 vulnerability. It is inspired by Assetnote security research, which covers the recent ServiceNow CVE-2024-4879, CVE-2024-5178, and CVE-2024-5217 vulnerabilities in detail.

How to Use

Minimum Requirements

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • requests library

Single Target:

python CVE-2024-4879.py -u https://target:9090

Bulk Sscan:

python CVE-2024-4879.py -f targets.txt


For any suggestions or thoughts, please get in touch with me.


I like to create my own tools for fun, work and educational purposes only. I do not support or encourage hacking or unauthorized access to any system or network. Please use my tools responsibly and only on systems where you have clear permission to test.
