
Upload files and directories to S3 with NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Upload your local files and directories directly to S3 🪣 with NodeJS. Particulary useful if you are having a S3 served website. This library can be used as part of your build pipeline to deploy new assets. Uploads multiple individual files and directory contents together to a common S3 path.



npm install --save-dev https://github.com/bigbinary/s3-uploader


yarn add --dev https://github.com/bigbinary/s3-uploader


Basic Usage

const Uploader = require("@bigbinary/s3-uploader");

const uploader = new Uploader({
  bucket: "s3-bucket-name",
  path: "target-bucket-path",

// add individual file

// add all files in a directory

// start upload

// Note: all local paths are expected to be relative to the current working directory - process.cwd()


new Uploader(configuration);

configuration object can have following properties to control the behavior of the uploader:

⚙️ bucket : (String) Name of the bucket of the target S3 bucket.

⚙️ path : (String) Path to the target directory in bucket where files should be uploaded.

⚙️ clean : (Boolean: true) Indicates whether target directory and contents should be removed before starting upload. Setting this false will skip this feature.

⚙️ fileProperties : (Object: {}) key-value pairs that providers additional file properties. key should be a valid Unix style pattern to match file and value should be an object with additional file properties.

⚙️ distribution : (String) CloudFront distribution id if you want to invalidate the distribution after successfull upload.

⚙️ distributionPath : (String: '/*' | Array) CloudFront distribution path if you want to invalidate only a particular path within the distribution. If you want to target multiple paths, use an array of strings. Supports UNIX style path patterns.

By default, the library attempts to find matching ContentType for each uploaded file using mime-type module. You can override the default properties or assign additional properties for a matching file as follows. The configuration for first matching key pattern will be used.

uploader.fileProperties: {
  "*.js": {
    ContentType: "text/javascript",
    ContentEncoding: "gzip"