
App developers - email form

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi @kremalicious

It looks like currently we are not doing enough to get our mailing list grow.
Previously contact form was associated with early access. Few people have signed up prior to white paper release.

I feel we should reintroduce the form along with the new call for an early access. This time aimed at the 'App Developers'. (We are not supporting them at the moment but we will soon!).

Therefore we need to introduce a new button (perhaps in the 'quick start guide' section) -That targets app developers. We need to say that this is coming soon and they can be notified as by the email.

@r-marques, @ttmc Can you validate whether this is a valid case?


ttmc commented

Calling it "early access" feels wrong to me. Maybe "Get notified when you can start developing client-side apps for BigchainDB"?

That will be fairly soon, I gather. We discussed the initial client-server API today. It's quite simple and Alberto is writing it up.

@ttmc Yes, thanks, good point. That's what I had on mind (Get notified when you can start developing client-side apps for BigchainDB)

@vrde Would you be able to give fairly accurate time estimate for the release of client-server API ?

vrde commented

@vrde Would you be able to give fairly accurate time estimate for the release of client-server API ?

I'd say within the end of next week we can have something nice online.

Generally like idea of collecting email addresses. But to me the app developer only list sounds a bit too fragmented, both in adding an action for a one specific group and in maintaining that mailing list for that group. Maybe a better solution would be to handle this as part of #61. Then it would be just a matter of adding a text "Subscribe to our email updates to get notified when API is ready."

ttmc commented

Yeah, one list of newsletter recipients is enough (but I wouldn't call it a "mailing list" because Google Groups is also a mailing list, but in a different sense of the term).

Since we are just a week away from the release of client-server API, I would agree to proceed with #61
I would argue that our mailing list is in any sense competition with google groups in fact I am bit surprised that there is a relatively small engagement there considering we had 8000 unique visits on the bigchainDB website. I think "Subscribe to our email updates..." stands for itself.

Should've been more precise with the term "mailing list", sorry. With that I just mean a list where we collect emails. Important thing about #61 is that it's going to be only one-way, Newsletter style. That's the hypotheses behind it: users will be more willing to subscribe to an update newsletter than to Google Group cause they can expect less noise.

So Google Group is really for those visitors who want to be actively engaged in the discussion, newsletter for passive lurkers as most users on the internet are :-)

Closing in favor of #61