- 1
- 0
Error in Car Telemetry App Tutorial
#268 opened by ttmc - 1
- 0
get started: driver version numbers
#139 opened by kremalicious - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
All tutorials should be in Github
#247 opened by arsen3d - 1
local development doesn't work offline anymore
#232 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started: transaction tool loading state
#135 opened by kremalicious - 0
Problem: Getstarted does not wait for the transaction to actually commit before returing OK status to the user
#228 opened by shahbazn - 5
- 0
open source that thing
#173 opened by kremalicious - 0
Gitter icon is red
#199 opened by kremalicious - 0
- 1
- 1
Broken link on /getstarted page
#191 opened by ttmc - 1
Send all form submissions to Zapier
#158 opened by kremalicious - 0
use cases header weirdness
#160 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started header shows sharing image
#163 opened by kremalicious - 0
partner headers are too small
#164 opened by kremalicious - 1
Jekyll 3.5 issues
#132 opened by kremalicious - 1
get started: gumshoe scroll spy
#134 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started: copy editing
#140 opened by kremalicious - 0
newsletter email label got high
#143 opened by kremalicious - 2
get started: curl example
#148 opened by vrde - 1
Review updated svgs
#94 opened by vrde - 0
mobile menu can't be scrolled anymore
#97 opened by kremalicious - 3
Update Privacy page
#85 opened by carlysheridan - 0
make ERDF happy
#82 opened by kremalicious - 4
Change the Quickstart button link
#86 opened by carlysheridan - 1
IE 11: footer is broken
#87 opened by kremalicious - 9
Background video "northen-light.mp4" is not cached and it's downloaded on every loop
#91 opened by vrde - 0
Creta a beta branch for forestry to publish into
#77 opened by shemtovo - 1
- 0
S3 deployment is kinda broken
#197 opened by kremalicious - 0
put back hiring link
#201 opened by kremalicious - 0
- 0
get started: add sharing image
#136 opened by kremalicious - 2
Update the image of Wrigley on the /about page
#129 opened by ttmc - 6
- 2
Adding Gitter to Contact page
#147 opened by carlysheridan - 1
get started: do some browser testing
#142 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started: all the mobile tweaks
#137 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started: proper meta title & description
#141 opened by kremalicious - 0
get started: docs section
#144 opened by kremalicious