
mini but extensiable online communicate system(Server on Linux, Client on Linux, macos, ios, android...)

Primary LanguageC

=== - mini but extensiable online communication system,
      we use it on our game mobile app.
      most codes stolen from nmdb, clearsilver... thanks them a lot.

    Based on nmdb, one server can hold multi backend module
    (per module: one plugin, one message queue, one thread);

    And, one module can exist on many process or many servers
    for load share.

    consider doc/net-skeleton.png and the codes for more information.

    |-- server             server daemon code (only tested on GNU/Linux)
    |-- plugin             server application logic module code
    |-- client             client API code (tested on Linux, ios, android)
    |   `-- clearsilver    client API depend on clearsilver's util library
    |-- conf               configration file
    |-- demo               simple application demo(use client API)
    `-- doc                documentation

    The server depend on cmoon's mnl library currently. so, checkout
    git://github.com/bigml/cmoon.git into the moc's parent directory.
    and do the rest lib/mnl's compile fuck, then, every thing goes ok.

    Client is very easy to compile, gcc, xcode, ndk can compile client
    directory to a static library.
    Take a look on client/Makefile first, you need to manually define
    some macros like EVENTLOOP, std=c99... on non-Linux enviorment.

    And then, compile the chat demo, modify mocclient.hdf config file,
    run it, hack it, have fun!

multi app dev
    Following steps can hold multiply application develop at the same time.
    Which seprated public and application code clearly.
        (MOC_PATH hold the moc public base code.
         appxmoc hold the x application's logic code.
         you can make appymoc, appzmoc, ...)

    mkdir appxmoc;
    cd appxmoc;

    ln -s MOC_PATH/server .
    ln -s MOC_PATH/client .

    cp -rf MOC_PATH/conf .
    cp MOC_PATH/Makefile .

    cp -rf MOC_PATH/plugin .
    cd plugin/; rm skeleton_*; ln -s MOC_PATH/plugin/skeleton* .
    cd private/; rm skeleton_*; ln -s MOC_PATH/plubin/private/skeleton* .

    mkdir demo;
    cd demo;
    ln -s MOC_PATH/demo/Makefile .
    ln -s MOC_PATH/demo/*.c .
    ln -s ../conf/mocclient.hdf .