
Node.js module that powers the hook.io platform's Virtual Filesystem

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Node.js module that powers the hook.io platform's Virtual Filesystem.


This module is the component which hook.io uses to allow users to manage remote cloud files across many adapters using a familiar local filesystem based API.

You are encouraged to use this module as-is, or modify it to suite your needs. If you are interested in contributing please let us know!


  • Provides a Virtual Filesystem for all major cloud storage providers
    • Amazon S3
    • Google Cloud Files
    • Azure Cloud Files
    • Rackspace Cloud Files
    • Any SSH / SFTP server!
  • Provides unified filesystem API which maps one-to-one with Node.js core fs module
    • Can be used as drop-in replacement for require('fs') module
    • Use familiar methods like readFile, writeFile, createReadStream, createWriteStream
    • Provides additional Vinyl Virtual File representation files


var vfs = require('hook.io-vfs');

var client = vfs.createClient({
  google: {
    adapter: "google",
    keyFilename: '/path/to/google.json', // path to a google JSON key file
    projectId: 'my-project'

client.writeFile('hello.txt', 'i am a file!', function (err, vinyl){
  console.log(err, vinyl);
  //  "vinyl" contains representation of file ( stats / metadata ) 

client.readFile('hello.txt', function (err, file, vinyl){
  console.log(err, file, vinyl);
  // "file" is Buffer of file contents ( same as Node.js `fs.readFile` )
  // "vinyl" is a https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl object

client.readdir('.', function (err, dir, vinyl){
  console.log(err, dir, vinyl);
  // "dir" is array of file names ( same as Node.js `fs.readdir` )
  // "vinyl" is an array of https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl objects

see: config/index.js property config.adapters for additional adapter / provider options


Uploading / Downloading Files

Callback Style

vfs.upload(path, contents, cb);

vfs.download(path, cb);

Stream Interface

var writeStream = vfs.upload(path, contents);

var readStream = vfs.download(path, contents);

All other fs operations

Each adapter does it's best to map one-to-one with the Node.js core fs module API interface.

Supported Virtual File Adapters

Adapter upload download readFile writeFile createReadStream createWriteStream readdir removeFile stat

Planned Virtual File Adapters

Want to see a new adapter added? Let us know by opening a Github Issue.

Adapter upload download readFile writeFile createReadStream createWriteStream readdir removeFile stat