
Source code for the paper "Towards Semantic-Aware Multiple-Aspect Trajectory Similarity Measuring"

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NOTICE: This repository is no longer maintained. Please refer to trajminer for new trajectory mining methods.

Towards Semantic-Aware Multiple-Aspect Trajectory Similarity Measuring

Source code of the paper Towards Semantic-Aware Multiple-Aspect Trajectory Similarity Measuring, published in Transactions in GIS.

[ publication ] [ preprint ] [ bibtex ]

Trajectory similarity measures included in the library:


usage: Trajectory Similarity [-h] [-s {LCSS,EDR,MSM,MUITAS}] [-d {true,false}] [-t THREADS] input output config

Compute distances/similarities of trajectories.

positional arguments:
  input                  trajectory file to compute distances/similarities
  output                 output file with the distance/similarity scores
  config                 configuration file

named arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
                         specify the similarity measure to use
  -d {true,false}, --compute-distances {true,false}
                         specify whether to compute distances (true) or similarities (false) (default: false)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                         the number of threads to be created for running the experiment (default: 1)

Here's a sample config file and data file.