
Sources at mouse position

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I was sure we have it as a function, but I cannot find it right now, could you point me to it?
A helper method to get all sources at the current mouse position (below is a copy of my own code).

final RealPoint globalMouseCoordinates = BdvUtils.getGlobalMouseCoordinates( bdvHandle );
List< SourceAndConverter< ? > > sources = bdvHandle.getViewerPanel().state().getSources();
final int timepoint = bdvHandle.getViewerPanel().state().getCurrentTimepoint();

Set< SourceAndConverter< ? > > sourcesAtMousePosition =
		.filter( source -> SourceAndConverterHelper.isPositionWithinSourceInterval( source, globalMouseCoordinates, timepoint, is2D ) )
		.collect( Collectors.toSet() );

I think we just have this:

public static boolean isSourcePresentAt(SourceAndConverter sac, int timePoint, RealPoint pt) {

and this :

public static boolean isPositionWithinSourceInterval( SourceAndConverter< ? > source, RealPoint globalPosition, int timepoint, boolean sourceIs2d )

I replaced the right click to get sources by the editor mode and bigdataviewer-selector. Maybe somethign disappeared at this moment ?

Could be... I can add it (back).
Maybe BdvHandleHelper is a good place for this?

And which function do you use in the selector?

In the selector I check whether the restangle selected by the user intersects the bounding boxes of all the SourceAndConverter(s). That 's done here :

But I don't remember the details. Also this won't work with WarpedSources. For Warped sources we had a workaround using the transparency property, but I think you were not super satisfied about it relying on a transparency property of a converter

issue similar to #160, so I'm closing this one