WhyJustRun orienteering website

Database changes needed

maps:scale should be an int(6), instead of tinytext. add memberships:year and memberships:postal_code make map_standards and roles shared? make events, courses, results shared?


  • Thomas: Use SMTP relay for mail
  • Prevent multiple registrations (verify that is setup)
  • Test session sharing
  • Schedule of events on sidebar
  • Major events on sidebar
  • Event page
  • CSS Styling!
  • Contact us page
  • Maps page
  • News page (maybe should just be the home page)
  • Separate DB for clubs and users shared between instances
  • Merge user accounts :S
  • WhyJustRun email through CakePHP is getting filtered into Gmail Spam, not arriving consistently
  • Formatting on user login page is broken in chrome
  • Wider style

Step by Step Database Migrations

  1. Make changes to the test database
  2. Change directory to your test instance
  3. Run cake/console/cake migration generate
  4. Look at migrations in app/config/migrations to find the new migration number
  5. Enter a migration name of the form: migration number_description
  6. When Do you want compare the schema.php file to the database? say yes
  7. Run cake/console/cake schema generate
  8. Choose overwrite schema file
  9. Now your changes will automatically propagate through other instances!