
Demonstration of configuration selection in Gradle

Primary LanguageJava


Provides a demonstration of configuration selection in Gradle.

Note that the dependencyInsight demos below use a hacked version of Gradle that lists all selected configurations for 'variant name'.

Has a root project with 3 subprojects:

  • :sub1-vanilla: defines 4 configurations without attributes
  • :sub2-variants: defines 4 configurations with custom attributes
  • :sub3-java: applies the java plugin, getting the relevant configurations and attributes

The root project defines the following dependency graph:

+--- project :subproject1-vanilla
+--- project :subproject2-variants
+--- project :subproject3-java
+--- org:pom1:1.0
|    +--- org:pom-from-pom:1.0
|    \--- org:ivy-from-pom:1.0
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     +--- org:pom-from-ivy:1.0
     |    \--- org:pom-from-pom-from-ivy:1.0
     \--- org:ivy-from-ivy:1.0

Resolving without attributes

When resolving this graph using a configuration with no attributes. Things to note:

  • :subproject2-variants: does not show up. Fails due to lack of disambiguating attributes in request.
  • :subproject3-java: 'runtimeElements' is chosen due to the PreferJavaRuntimeVariant disambiguation rule.
  • pom1 and ivy1: 'default' is used for direct project->external dependency
  • ivy-from-pom: Standard mapping for a dependency declared in a POM file is compile->compile,master;%->compile,runtime,master
  • pom-from-pom: Uses standard mapping as per ivy-from-pom, but leaves out 'compile' (included in 'runtime') and 'master' (empty)
  • ivy-from-ivy and pom-from-ivy: 'master,compile' is defined in the ivy.xml file.
  • pom-from-pom-from-ivy: Uses standard mapping for POM files, but shows the compile->compile,master portion. This is only possible because the Ivy file points to the compile configuration in pom-from-ivy
➜  config-selection (master) gradle dependencyInsight --configuration conf --dependency o

> Task :dependencyInsight 
project :subproject1-vanilla
   variant "default"
\--- conf

project :subproject3-java
   variant "runtimeElements" [
      org.gradle.usage = java-runtime-jars (not requested)
\--- conf

   variant "master+compile"
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- conf

   variant "runtime+compile+master"
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- conf

   variant "default"
\--- conf

   variant "master+compile"
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- conf

   variant "runtime"
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- conf

   variant "compile"
\--- org:pom-from-ivy:1.0
     \--- org:ivy1:1.0
          \--- conf

   variant "default"
\--- conf

Resolving with custom attribute

When resolving this graph using a configuration a single 'quality' attribute. Things that are different from previous:

  • :subproject2-variants: is now resolved due to disambiguating 'quality' attribute.
➜  config-selection (master) gradle dependencyInsight --configuration confWithAttribute --dependency o 

> Task :dependencyInsight 
project :subproject1-vanilla
   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- confWithAttribute

project :subproject2-variants
   variant "default" [
      quality = a
\--- confWithAttribute

project :subproject3-java
   variant "runtimeElements" [
      org.gradle.usage = java-runtime-jars (not requested)
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality          = a
\--- confWithAttribute

   variant "master+compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- confWithAttribute

   variant "runtime+compile+master" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- confWithAttribute

   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- confWithAttribute

   variant "master+compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- confWithAttribute

   variant "runtime" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- confWithAttribute

   variant "compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- org:pom-from-ivy:1.0
     \--- org:ivy1:1.0
          \--- confWithAttribute

   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         quality = a
\--- confWithAttribute

Resolving from a standard Java configuration

When resolving this graph using the compileClasspath configuration. Things that are different from previous:

  • :subproject3-java: get apiElements instead of runtimeElements. The attribute select works!
➜  config-selection (master) gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compileClasspath --dependency o  

> Task :dependencyInsight 
project :subproject1-vanilla
   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- compileClasspath

project :subproject2-variants
   variant "compile" [
      quality          = b (not requested)
      org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- compileClasspath

project :subproject3-java
   variant "apiElements" [
      org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- compileClasspath

   variant "master+compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- compileClasspath

   variant "runtime+compile+master" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- compileClasspath

   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- compileClasspath

   variant "master+compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- org:ivy1:1.0
     \--- compileClasspath

   variant "runtime" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- org:pom1:1.0
     \--- compileClasspath

   variant "compile" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- org:pom-from-ivy:1.0
     \--- org:ivy1:1.0
          \--- compileClasspath

   variant "default" [
      Requested attributes not found in the selected variant:
         org.gradle.usage = java-api
\--- compileClasspath