
Demonstration of composite build used to develop plugins with cyclic dependencies

Primary LanguageJava


Demonstration of composite build used to develop plugins with cyclic dependencies. The ligradle-jvm plugin project has a buildscript dependency on an older version of itself.

To make testing of this repository easier, the ligradle-jvm-0.1 build is separate from the under-development ligradle-jvm project. Note that the ligradle-jvm plugin adds a dummy 'precompile' task to any Java project.

Development without a composite

To build these projects without a composite:

  1. Execute gradle publish in the ligradle-core-0.1 build. This publishes ligradle-core to a local file repository.
  2. Execute gradle publish in the ligradle-jvm-0.1 build. This publishes ligradle-jvm to a local file repository with a dependency on ligradle-core-0.1.
  3. Execute gradle publish in the ligradle-core build. This consumes ligradle-jvm-0.1 as a buildscript dependency (applying the LiGradleJvmPlugin) and publishes ligradle-core.
  4. Execute gradle publish in the ligradle-jvm build. This consumes ligradle-jvm-0.1 as a buildscript dependency (applying the LiGradleJvmPlugin), and ligradle-core-0.2 as a compile dependency. A new version of the plugin ligradle-jvm-0.2 is published.

You could then make changes to ligradle-core, publish (step 3), and make corresponding changes to ligradle-jvm before building (step 4).

Development with a composite

The ligradle-composite build is a test application that consumes the plugin produced by ligradle-jvm-0.2. This can be used to make and test changes in ligradle-jvm and ligradle-core.

To see this in action:

  1. Execute gradle run in the ligradle-composite build. You'll see the plugin projects being built as part of configuring the build.
  2. Execute gradle idea in the ligradle-composite build. The generated IDEA project allows refactoring of ligradle-core and ligradle-jvm together.