
Paxos based consensus framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Actions Status codecov License: MIT

Paxos based consensus framework.

What Where
Discussion #1
Documentation https://bigeasy.github.io/compassion
Source https://github.com/bigeasy/compassion
Issues https://github.com/bigeasy/compassion/issues
CI https://travis-ci.org/bigeasy/compassion
Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/bigeasy/compassion
License: MIT

Compassion installs from NPM.

npm install compassion

Living README.md

This README.md is also a unit test using the Proof unit test framework. We'll use the Proof okay function to assert out statements in the readme. A Proof unit test generally looks like this.

require('proof')(4, async okay => {
    okay('always okay')
    okay(true, 'okay if true')
    okay(1, 1, 'okay if equal')
    okay({ value: 1 }, { value: 1 }, 'okay if deep strict equal')

You can run this unit test yourself to see the output from the various code sections of the readme.

git clone git@github.com:bigeasy/compassion.git
cd compassion
npm install --no-package-lock --no-save
node test/readme.t.js


const Compassion = require('compassion')
const Destructible = require('destructible')
const { Queue } = require('avenue')
class KeyValueStore {
    constructor () {
        this.ready = new Promise(resolve => this.arrived = resolve)
        this.cookie = 0
        this.snapshots = {}
        this.resolutions = {}
        this.compassion = null
        this.store = null

    initialize (compassion) {
        this.compassion = compassion

    async bootstrap ({ self }) {
        this.promise = self.arrived
        this.store = {}

    async snapshot ({ promise, queue }) {

    async join ({ self, shifter }) {
        this.promise = self.arrived
        this.store = await shifter.shift()

    async arrive ({ arrival }) {
        this.snapshots[arrival.promise] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.store))

    async acclimated ({ promise }) {

    async entry ({ entry }) {
        this.store[entry.key] = entry.value
        const resolution = this.resolutions[entry.cookie]
        if (resolution != null) {
            delete this.resolutions[entry.cookie]

    async depart ({ promise }) {

    set (key, value) {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            const cookie = `${this.promise}?${this.cookie++}`
            this.resolutions[cookie] = resolve
            this.compassion.enqueue({ cookie, key, value })

    get (key) {
        return this.store[key]
const destructible = new Destructible('compassion')

Construct a census. Usually you'll use Mingle, but we'll create a dummy census and fake the service discovery. We have to be sure to terminate the queue on shutdown, so we register a destruct handler.

const census = new Queue
destructible.destruct(() => census.push(null))
const kv = new KeyValueStore
const { address, port } = await Compassion.listen(destructible, {
    census: census.shifter(),
    applications: { kv },
    bind: { host: '', port: 0 }
census.push([ `http://${address}:${port}` ])

await kv.ready
await kv.set('x', 1)
okay(kv.get('x'), 1, 'set and get')

await destructible.promise

What do we need to discuss? Simple outline. Be sure to link to people to Conference. Uh, oh. I also have to document Mingle.



Join and Snapshot



