This is a high level api wrapper for pygame, for making games with Python easier and quicker.
Heavily inspired by pygame-zero, Scratch, bitsbox, and game engines such as unity,
I think there is an opportunity to design a set of API both satisfy the need of beginners
and game makers who wish a quick result.
Some features:
- some built-in assets for quick starting and code learning scenarios
- draw loops are managed, so users can focus on actor and scene building
from gamestart import *
This draws a monster on the screen...
Gamestart takes over draw loop management. This makes user code shorter and allowing
future scene management features.
Gamestart also comes with some built-in asset, for starters and prototypers.
Gamestart games are run with just Python - it is an option for pygame-zero, but a default in gamestart
Gamestart is driven by Python, instead a Python-Java middle layer.
Gamestart manages the draw loop.
Look at the root folder - files like are examples.