
An open source JavaScript library for fetching tickers from cryptocurrency exchanges

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

code-style Commitizen friendly npm (scoped) codecov

Exchanges 📉📈

A JavaScript library for getting up to date cryptocurrency exchange tickers.

Getting started

  1. Node.js 12.13 or higher is required
  2. Install using NPM


Coinranking Exchanges is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 12.13 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm i @coinranking/exchanges


List all supported drivers

const exchanges = require('@coinranking/exchanges');


Get the tickers of a specific exchange

const { Binance } = require('@coinranking/exchanges');

const driver = new Binance();

  .then((tickers) => {


Getting started

Install dependencies

npm install


List all supported drivers

node lib/cli.js list

Get the tickers of a specific exchange

node lib/cli.js tickers [name of the exchange]
Name Flag Description
Record -R, --record Record the requests, and save them as fixtures.
API Key -k, --key For passing down an API key when the driver requires one. When used in combination with the -R flag the key will be masked in the fixtures.


See the documentation for more information.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Adding an exchange

  1. Add a new driver (see the examples)
  2. Add the driver alphabetically to drivers/index.js
  3. Add a new fixture (use the record option of the CLI 'tickers' command)

Single API calls are highly preferred. When adding an exchange be aware of the base and quote. A driver should at least support base, quote, close and baseVolume or quoteVolume. And optionally open, high, low, ask, bid, baseName, baseReference, quoteName and quoteReference.


  • Driver basis: Shows the basic setup of a driver, which can be used as the starting point for new ones.
  • Driver with API key: Shows how to set up a driver that uses an API which requires a key.


  1. Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
  2. Conventional commits


Reach out to us

