
FPGA/hardware design of openwifi

Primary LanguageVerilogGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


openwifi: Linux mac80211 compatible full-stack IEEE802.11/Wi-Fi design based on SDR (Software Defined Radio).

This repository includes Hardware/FPGA design. To be used together with openwifi driver and software repository.

Openwifi code has dual licenses. AGPLv3 is the opensource license. For non-opensource and advanced feature license, please contact Filip.Louagie@UGent.be. Openwifi project also leverages some 3rd party modules. It is user's duty to check and follow licenses of those modules according to the purpose/usage. You can find an example explanation from Analog Devices for this compound license conditions. [How to contribute].

Pre-compiled FPGA files: boards/board_name/sdk/ has FPGA bit file, ila .ltx file (if ila inserted) and some other files might be needed.

board_name options:

  • zc706_fmcs2 (Xilinx ZC706 dev board + FMCOMMS2/3/4)
  • zed_fmcs2 (Xilinx zed board + FMCOMMS2/3/4) -- Vivado license NOT needed
  • adrv9361z7035 (ADRV9361-Z7035 + ADRV1CRR-BOB/FMC)
  • adrv9364z7020 (ADRV9364-Z7020 + ADRV1CRR-BOB) -- Vivado license NOT needed
  • zc702_fmcs2 (Xilinx ZC702 dev board + FMCOMMS2/3/4) -- Vivado license NOT needed
  • zcu102_fmcs2 (Xilinx ZCU102 dev board + FMCOMMS2/3/4)

Build FPGA: (Xilinx Vivado (also SDK and HLS) 2018.3 is needed. Example instructions are verified on Ubuntu 18/20)

  • In Linux, prepare Analgo Devices HDL library (only run once):
export XILINX_DIR=your_Xilinx_directory
./prepare_adi_lib.sh $XILINX_DIR
  • In Linux, prepare Analgo Devices board specific ip (only run once for each board you have):
./prepare_adi_board_ip.sh $XILINX_DIR $BOARD_NAME
(Don't need to wait till the building end. When you see "Building ABCD project [...", you can stop it.)
  • Install the evaluation license of Xilinx Viterbi Decoder into Vivado. Otherwise there will be errors when you build the whole FPGA design.
  • Open Vivado, then in Vivado Tcl Console:
Change to openwifi-hw/boards/board_name/ directory by "cd" command, if Vivado is launched in different directory.
source ./openwifi.tcl
  • In Vivado:
Open Block Design
Tools --> Report --> Report IP Status
Generate Bitstream
(Will take a while)
File --> Export --> Export Hardware... --> Include bitstream --> OK
File --> Launch SDK --> OK, then close SDK
  • In Linux:
cd openwifi-hw/boards
./sdk_update.sh board_name
git commit -a -m "new fpga img for openwifi (or comments you want to make)"
git push
(Above make sure you can pull this new FPGA from openwifi submodule directory: openwifi-hw)

Modify IP cores:

IP core source files are in "ip" directory. After IP is modified, export the IP core into "ip_repo" directory. Then re-run the full FPGA build procedure. For IP project created by _high.tcl or _low.tcl or _ultra_scale.tcl, exporting target directory should be ip_repo/high/ or ip_repo/low/ or ip_repo/ultra_scale/ (for ZynqMP SoC, like zcu102 board). Other IP should be exported to ip_repo/common/ (except that the side channel module has small/big postfix).

  • IP cores designed by HLS (mixer_duc):
Create a project "mixer_duc" with file in ip/mixer_duc/src directory in Vivado HLS.
During creating, set mixer_duc as top, select zc706 board as "Part" and set Clock Period 5 (means 200MHz).
Run C synthesis.
Click solution1, Solution --> Export RTL
Copy project_directory/solution1/impl/ip to ip_repo/common/mixer_duc
  • IP cores designed by block-diagram (duc_bank_core_low, duc_bank_core_high, etc). duc_bank_core_high as example:
Open Vivado, then in Vivado Tcl Console:
cd ip/duc_bank_core_high
source ./duc_bank_core_high.tcl
In Vivado:
Open Block Design
Tools --> Report --> Report IP Status
Tools --> Create and Package New IP... --> Next --> Package a block design from ... --> Next --> set "ip_repo/high/duc_bank_core" as target directory --> Next --> OK -- Finish
In new opened temporary project: Review and Package --> Package IP --> Yes
  • IP cores designed by verilog (rx_intf, xpu, etc). xpu as example:
Open Vivado, then in Vivado Tcl Console:
cd ip/xpu
source ./xpu_high.tcl
In Vivado:
Tools --> Report --> Report IP Status
Tools --> Create and Package New IP... --> Next --> Next --> set "ip_repo/high/xpu" as target directory --> Next --> OK -- Finish
In new opened temporary project: Review and Package --> Package IP --> Yes
  • openofdm_rx: You need to apply the evaluation license of Xilinx Viterbi Decoder and install on your PC firstly.

    • In Linux:

      cd ip/
      git submodule init openofdm_rx
      git submodule update openofdm_rx
      cd openofdm_rx
      git checkout dot11zynq
      git pull
    • Open Vivado, then in Vivado Tcl Console:

      cd ip/openofdm_rx
      source ./openofdm_rx.tcl
    • In Vivado:

      Tools --> Report --> Report IP Status
      Tools --> Create and Package New IP... --> Next --> Next --> set "ip_repo/common/openofdm_rx" as target directory --> Next --> OK -- Finish
      In new opened temporary project: Review and Package --> Package IP --> Yes

Note: openwifi adds necessary modules/modifications on top of Analog Devices HDL reference design. For general issues, Analog Devices wiki pages would be helpful!

Notes: The 802.11 ofdm receiver is based on openofdm project. You can find our patch (bug-fix, improvement) here which is mapped to ip/openofdm_rx.