a bot
You can query the bot with FAbot: <command> [arguments...]
, or by using a channel-specific channel prefix, if configured.
e6md5 <hash>
- Displays the post associated with a certain e621 image md5.
search <tag1> [tag2] ...
- Shows the e621 and FA search links associated with the specified query. In a SFW channel, only an e926 link is displayed.
random|e6random|rnd|e6rnd [tag1] [tag2] ...
- Displays a random post from e621 (or e926 if the channel is SFW) matching the specified tags.
e6search [resultnum] [tag1] [tag2] ...
- Displays the
th result of the search specified by the tags.
- Displays the
e6tags [+]
- Displays some tags associated with the previous image reply. Specifying a
as the first argument will continue sending the tag list it was displaying before.
- Displays some tags associated with the previous image reply. Specifying a
You can send the bot private messages to instruct it as well.
- The bot will no longer automatically reply to your messages containing fa/e621/static1.e621 links. You must be authenticated to NickServ.
- Basically undoes an
- Basically undoes an