These are my VIM settings, mostly targeting development with C/C++ and Python.
Here is a video showing what I can do with these when I code in C++.
Use MPlayer or VideoLAN to play it. I also tried uploading it to Youtube, but font quality is really low, even in HD setting.
I use a small number of plugins, and did some minor customization for keyboard shortcuts. The plugins are maintained with pathogen, and are placed under bundle/ via Git submodules (so I always have the latest plugin versions).
In any new machine/account I need to work on, I clone from the repository:
git clone .vim
cd .vim
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ..
ln -s .vim/.vimrc
I therefore use the same VIM environment in all my machines.
I create /usr/include/tags:
(become root via su/sudo)
cd /usr/include
ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .
My .vimrc is set to use these, as well as any local "tags" I build in my project-specific Makefiles:
set tags+=/usr/include/tags
I use clang complete to get Intellisense-like autocompletion (see the video above).
The 'A' plugin allows me to quickly switch between .h/c{c,pp} with ':A'
Pressing 'K' shows manpages on the symbol under the cursor in an "inner window" (which allows me to copy/paste). I quickly close the manpage "window" with Ctrl-F12.
I've mapped F7 to invoke flake8 (install it with: "easy_install flake8") to get static analysis error reports from "pyflakes" and style issues from "pep8", navigating from error to error in the usual way (":cn", ":cp")
I've mapped:
- NERDTreeToggle to F10, for direct access to "file manager" interface
- Ctrl-cursors to navigate windows (under both XTerms and GVim)
- Ctrl-L to clear search results (hate seeing yellow stuff after search)
- Ctrl-End to quickly close "window" (buffer)
- F8 to show taglists (macros/types/variables/functions/classes)
- I also have easy motion in, so I can navigate to any place in the screen with a simple \\w followed by a character. Amazing plugin.