
My yo generator

Primary LanguageHTML

YO Generator GdayMate

  _____     _               __  __       _         _ 
 / ____|   | |             |  \/  |     | |       | |
| |  __  __| | __ _ _   _  | \  / | __ _| |_ ___  | |
| | |_ |/ _` |/ _` | | | | | |\/| |/ _` | __/ _ \ | |
| |__| | (_| | (_| | |_| | | |  | | (_| | ||  __/ |_|
 \_____|\__,_|\__,_|\__, | |_|  |_|\__,_|\__\___| (_)
                     __/ |                           
   This is a starting point for most of my work.
   Author   :   Jinzhe Li
   Email    :   jinjinwudi@gmail.com


That's my own YO Generator who fits for my own requirements.

Credit to David Hellmann and his awesome [DHBoilterplate] (https://github.com/davidhellmann/generator-dhBoilerplate)

What is inside

Sass Functions

  • borderradius('level-x') or br('level-x')
  • boxshadow('level-x') or bs('level-x')
  • color('color-name') or c('color-name')
  • ease('easing-name') or e('easing-name')
  • fontfamily('font-name') or ff('font-name')
  • font-size('font-size') or fs('font-size')
  • lineheight(i) or lh(i)
  • sapce(i) or s(i)
  • verticalrhythm(i) or vr(i)

Sass Mixins

  • @include center
  • @include clearfix
  • @include container('full') ‚full‘ ist optional
  • @include cols(i)
  • @include filter(filter-name, value%)
  • @include fluid-type($properties, $min-vw, $max-vw, $min-value, $max-value) or @include ft($properties, $min-vw, $max-vw, $min-value, $max-value)
  • @include flexbox('full') or @include fb('full') ‚full‘ is optional
  • @include flexcols(i) or @include fc(i)
  • @include gutter(i)or @include g(i)
  • @include pull(i)
  • @include push(i)
  • @include valign
  • @include visuallyhidden or @include vh


$ npm install -g generator-gdaymate


Jump in your Working Directory and type:

yo gdaymate

Run through the options. When you're done grab a coffee. The node module installation take a while :)


Intialize your Project simple with gulp init

Default Task with BrowserSync


Task for watch & deploy on live site (DANGEROUS)

gulp live

Task for Building

This Task clean the folder, build the stuff from ground up and optimize the images and minifiy JS / CSS files. Ready for live!

gulp build

Other Tasks

There are some other Tasks there…

// Clean Tasks
// Clean the specific folder in the "___dist" dir
gulp clean:templates
gulp clean:css
gulp clean:js
gulp clean:images

// Main Tasks
// All this are triggered within "gulp init" & "gulp build" task.
// Some of this are triggered within the "gulp" task.
gulp templates
gulp systemFiles
gulp modernizr
gulp compile:js
gulp sass
gulp copy:fonts
gulp images
gulp svg-single
gulp svg-sprite

// Minify Tasks
// This task are triggered within the "guld build" task.
gulp minify:js
gulp minify:sass
gulp minify:images

// FTP Tasks
// This only updates news files. FTP deets should be set in config.json in root
gulp upload:dist