Product Test

Running the app

The app uses create-react-app with TypeScript + NPM.

  1. Install dependencies with npm install.
  2. Run the app with npm start.
  3. Run tests with npm test.

App structure


This module contains the API client and models returned by the api.


This module contains dumb components which are used only for rendering. Components are styled with styled-components.


This module contains smart components which are hooked up to the app state using mobx.


The main app container which contains the list of categories. This includes a router to manage synchronization of the URL with the selected category, enabling back and forward functionality.


A child of CategoryContainer. Manages the state for a list of products on a given page (e.g. filter state).


This module contains stores which modify and maintain the app state using mobx.


Store for categories. Manages the selected category and filters categories based on their hidden state.


Store for products. Manages filtering products based on the current category and the filter input.


Snapshot tests are largely used for UI logic. The stores have more extensive tests as this is where the business logic is.


Tested mainly Windows 10 + Chrome due to CORS issues. Libraries used should be compatible with Latest 2 + IE11.