
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Docker basic commands

Run a docker container from an image

docker run image

List docker containers

docker ps

List all docker containers, even the ones are not running.

docker ps -a

Run a container by terminal

docker run -ti image bash

List docker images

docker images

Right way to get out from container

CTRL + P + Q

Get out stopping your container


Enter in a container terminal

docker attach container

Container informations

docker stats container

Access container processes

docker top container

Access container logs

docker logs container

Remove a container, -f to stop before removing

docker rm container docker rm container -f

Remove all containers, running or not

docker rm $(docker ps -a) -f

Run container with limited memory

docker run -ti --memory 512m --name container image

Verify conatiner memory configuration

docker inspect container | grep -i mem

Update container memory limit

docker update -m 512m container

Run container with cpu limited

docker run -ti --cpu-shares 1024 --name container image

Update container cpu limit

docker update --cpu-shares 512 container

Run container with volume

docker run -ti -v path_container image /bin/bash

Run container with volume from host

docker run -ti -v path_host:path_container image

Run container binding host port, giving name, mounting volume from other container and setting environments variables

docker run -d -p port:port --name container --volumes-from container -e env_var1

Build a docker image

docker build -t image:version path

Remove all docker containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f

Remove all docker images

docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f

Login to Docker HUB account

docker login -u user

Push your image to Docker HUB

docker push user/image:version

Dockerfile configuration

Set to start from a docker image

FROM image

About the image mantainer


Add file into container

ADD file path_host COPY file path_host

Entrypoint parameters (default entrypoint is bash, but could be a dump)

CMD ["sh", "-c", "echo", "$HOME"]

Description about the image

LABEL Description="Blablabla"

Where to start running

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/apache2ctl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]

Environment variables

ENV var="value"

Open ports


Each RUN line create a new docker layer

RUN command_layer1 && command_layer1

The UNIX user inside the container

USER user_name (root)

Root path

WORKDIR path_container

Set volumes inside the container

VOLUME path_container