# Couchbase Command Line Tools This package contains the command line tool set that performs the same actions to provide the user the same capabilities as the Couchbase Server web interface. ## Prerequisites If you have installed the full Couchbase Server, these tools will have all prerequisites required to run these tools. If you run these tools standalone, you will need: * Python 2.6 or greater * Command shell such as bash ## Building the Documentation The documents are located in [docs](docs). Man and HTLM versions are generated using [generate.sh](docs/generated/generate.sh) script. **asciidoc** and **xmlto** are used to generate the documentation so both of those need to be installed. ### Mac requirements ``` brew install asciidoc xmlto ``` Need to set the path to the catalog files to generate the man pages: ``` XML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/local/etc/xml/catalog ``` *** Copyright (c) 2018 Couchbase, Inc.