API-Health is still under heavily development. If you are planning on using it for anything else than playing around,
please consider dropping me a line so I start caring about backwards compatibility.
- clone this repo
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python test.py
- python run.py
This is still under heavy development: we are building a web interface to view/run/manage your tasks. The web app should be available on /app/
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/task"
Creating a new task is as simple as making a POST request to /api/task with a URL and a list (comma separated) of required fields
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/task" -X POST -d '{"url":"http://api.github.com", "expected_fields": "current_user_url" }'
Same as "create", but we'll use PUT and also the id field is required.
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/task" -X PUT -d '{"id": 1, "url":"http://api.github.com", "expected_fields": "current_user_url" }'
Send a DELETE call with the task id
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/task?id=1" -X DELETE
There are two ways to run tasks. It can be done by running cronjob.py or by a rest call to /run:
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/run"
API-Health started as a pet project to refresh my mind after 5 years without coding in Python. I wanted to make something useful, thus I've decided to create an automatic way to monitor when APIs break their contract (on purpose or due to bugs).
The how we'll achieve this is really open and full of experiments. It started from a cookie-cutter template that used bottle, which has been replaced by tornado due to the amazing coroutines and built-in queue management.
- The initial plan is to create a solid API that enables developers to hook api-health to their existing CI/CD pipelines.
- I also wanna go a bit fancy with my AngularJS frontend. Maybe have a dashboard-like interface built in the default package.
- The system must be very flexible (which it is not, as of today) and the worker/queue must be very efficient.
- We are gonna build a dashboard to measure the most important open APIs on the internets! ;P
I'm so happy that you wanna play with me! Here are the simple rules of this project:
- No PR will be merged without tests.
- Commit messages should look beautiful when read on tig (this means: avoid one-liner messages)
- Use "issues" to track/add features so we don't work on the same stuff :)