The 12 factor rule for logging says that an app "should not attempt to write to or manage logfiles. Instead, each running process writes its event stream, unbuffered, to stdout." The execution environment should take care of capturing the logs and perform further processing with it.
Funnel is meant to be a replacement for your app's "logger + logrotate" pipeline. Think of it as a fluentd/logstash replacement(with minimal features!) but having only stdin as an input. All you need to do is just print to stdout and pipe it to funnel. And let it take care of the rest.
- Basic use case of logging to local files. Acts as a log rotator also:
- Rolling over to a new file
- Deleting old files
- Gzipping files
- File rename policies
- Prepend each log line with a custom string
- Supports other target outputs like Kafka, ElasticSearch. More info below.
- Live reloading of config on file save. No more messing around with SIGHUP or SIGUSR1.
Grab the binary for your platform and the config file from here.
To run, just pipe the output of your app to the funnel binary. Note that, funnel only consumes from stdin, so you might need to redirect stderr to stdout.
$/etc/myapp/bin 2>&1 | funnel
P.S. You also need to drop the funnel binary to your $PATH.
Further details on input log format along with examples can be found in the sample config file.
The config can be specified in a .toml file. The file is part of the repo, which you can see here. All the settings are documented and are populated with the default values. The same defaults are embedded in the app itself, so the app can even run without a config file.
To read the config, the app looks for a file named config.toml
in these locations one by one -
(i.e. in the current directory of your target app)
You can place a global file in /etc/funnel/
and have separate files in each app directory to have config values overriding the global ones.
Environment variables are also supported and takes the highest precedence. To get the env variable name, just capitalize the config variable. For eg-
In the case that you don't intend to use the Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Kafka, Redis or S3 features, e.g. you just want to use the log rotation features, you can reduce the size of the binary by using build tags.
The build tags are:
e.g., to build without any of the above outputs:
go build -tags "disableelasticsearch disableinfluxdb disablekafka disableredis disables3 disablenats" ./cmd/funnel
- Add stats endpoint to expose metrics.