This is a cons tree visualiser that uses graphviz.
Jacek Podkanski
Public domain
At the moment the program is not portable. It uses the following SBCL specific code.
(mapcar #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name (sb-mop:class-slots (class-of i)))) (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/dot" options)))))
Please make sure graphviz is installed and the dot command works.
dot --help
This project automatically downloads serapeum from quicklisp.
If you do not have quicklisp you can find the instructions here:
If the project is not in your home folder, you need to alter the string in the first command.
(push #p"~/dot-cons-tree/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(ql:quickload :dot-cons-tree)
(dot-cons-tree:draw-graph (list 1 nil '(2.1 . 2.2) dot-cons-tree::*person* 3))
If there was no error and your SBCL lisp returned
dot options (-Tsvg /tmp/dot-graph.gv -o /tmp/dot-graph.svg) #<SB-IMPL::PROCESS :EXITED 0>
your graph location will be indicated by the last of the dot options.