I need to convert a tree of Lisp keywords and strings to an XML string from my experiments with Gtk 4 user interface creation.
(push "~/Programming/Lisp/ui-xml-generator/" asdf:*central-registry*) (ql:quickload :ui-xml-generator)
Run this in your REPL.
'(:interface nil :children
(:requires (:lib "gtk" :version "4.6") :content :none)
(:object (:class "GtkApplicationWindow" :id "window") :children
(:property (:name "title") :content "UI File Example")
(:child nil :children
(:object (:class "GtkBox") :children
(:property (:name "orientation") :content "vertical")
(:child nil :children
(:object (:class "GtkLabel" :id "label") :children
(:property (:name "height-request") :content "50")
(:property (:name "label") :content "Hello with <b>HTML</b> markup")
(:property (:name "use-markup") :content "True")
(:property (:name "vexpand") :content "True")
(:property (:name "width-request") :content "100")))
(:child nil :children
(:object (:class "GtkButton" :id "button-exit") :children
(:property (:name "label") :content "Exit"))))))))
If you use SBCL and quicklisp, either copy or symlink it to
and add it to the asd file of your project, in the :depends-on
symlink example
cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects ln -s ~/Programming/Lisp/ui-xml-generator ./ui-xml-generator