
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Express TypeScript


1. Install dependencies

npm i


Start dev server

npm run dev

Running the above commands results in

  • 🌏API Server running at http://localhost:3000
  • ⚙️Swagger UI at http://localhost:3000/__VERSION__/dev/api-docs
  • 🛢️MongoDB running at mongodb://localhost:27017

3. Build and run

npm run build && npm run start


To edit environment variables, create a file with name .env and copy the contents from .env.example to start with.

Var Name Type Default Description
NODE_ENV string development API runtime environment. eg: staging
PORT number 3000 Port to run the API server on
MONGO_URL string mongodb://localhost:27017/books URL for MongoDB
SECRET_HEX string 827d263847500d926a520b... HEX string to secure JWT
ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME_MIN number 60 Access token TTL in mins
BCRYPT_N_ROUNDS number 12 Number of round to generate Bcrypt salt
WHITELIST_ORIGINS string[] ["http://localhost"] White list origins


The application uses winston as the default logger. The configuration file is at src/logger.ts.

  • All logs are saved in ./logs directory and at /logs in the docker container.
  • Console messages are prettified
  • Each line in error log file is a stringified JSON.