
.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml for thunderc

roomservice.xml for experimental cm-11 for thunderc

to build:

init androidarmv6 repo

directions here: https://github.com/androidarmv6/android

cd to your androidarmv6 directory, then

git clone https://github.com/bigsupersquid/android_roomservice.git .repo/local_manifests/ -b cm-11.0


repo sync

. build/envsetup.sh


. build/version.sh int

(for internal build, or)

. build/version.sh sd

(for os2sd build.)

and then

lunch cm_thunderc-userdebug

time mka bacon

(mka instead of make -j* will supposedly optimize the number of threads based on your cpu, and then time will display total time when it finishes your build.)

output zip in out/target/product/thunderc