32bit board with LPC1768, support marlin2.0 and smoothieware, support lcd2004/12864, On-board TMC2130 SPI interface and TMC2208 UART interface no additional wiring is required
- alexlarin
- alexpelosi
- aloise21st Real Estate
- AtatothPoland
- bkpsuPhiladelphia, PA, USA
- boothbenny
- brbubba
- churd83
- DeneteusHouston, TX
- Der-WUnone
- dijitalxyz
- eburtsevRussian Federation, Moscow
- franklin02Boise State University
- GeminiServerAachen
- GfermotoPROSENSE
- hillct
- iddqd3Extreme Developers
- jhcloos
- johnco1126
- johnsargent
- kalidem
- kelvinmeadBristol, UK
- NightPostal
- nikdfzzgreece
- papanillu
- QcasaresLondon, UK
- RandyKC
- rap66SF Bay Area
- Renatfg@Magnum3D
- rtorrescaValencia, Spain
- shampine1Houston, Texas
- Steven757
- WheresWaldo
- xlogikUSA
- zvonka
- zyoneeStockholm, Sweden