
[FR] Feature Request List

oldman4U opened this issue · 68 comments

Dear reader,

This Feature Requests list has three "functions":

1: It allows users to check, if a certain feature has already been requested, before starting a new ticket.

2: Mark features which are already under development to avoid, that several developers are working on the same function.

3: There is now a BOT which closes inactive tickets. Some of them are probably useful, so it makes sense to make them available at a more prominent place.

Read the Read me before posting! to see if you would like to ask for an already listed FR.
Feel free to start a new FR Ticket, in case your feature or function is not listed here.
To join an existing FR, please click on the link below. Even the ticket is closed, it does not mean that it can not be used anymore.
Feel free to add your comments related to this FR ticket below.
New feature requests will be added as fast as possible.
Feature Requests shown in Bold are under development and if possible the developer is mentioned next to it.
Notes from the community are added to each FR in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Features which have been merged into the master branch, will be removed from this list.

General Features:
#524 Vertical Screen GUI
#804 Transfer a file via Wifi ESP3D to the TFT-SD and/or TFT USB-Stick
#1193 TFT 35 E3 v3.0 + skr 1.4 Power loss recovery Problem - NO support for UPS module

Touchscreen Related Feature:
#296 Idle and back to main menu
#732 Simplified Status Screen while Printing
#763 Recover possibility to have the custom menu with icons
#1053 Option to deactivate the TFT LCD menu item
#1264 Add GUI-support for G35 - Tramming assistant
#1343 Error working with BTT SD Cloud after a print
#1476 Save print progress to memory (so printer can be shut down)
#1504 Access to Smart Filament Detection settings in screen settings and during print
#1572 Optimised Print menu and List/thumbnail selection addition to top row
#1767 Support for dual X carriage menu
#1834 Show current fan speed when using ADAPTIVE FAN SLOWING
#1835 ESP32 Wifi
#1896 Child lock
#2190 Can you enable the Marlin backlash setting with the TFT35 v3.0 screen?
#2005 MULTI_VOLUME Support
#2198 gCode Filename ABBREVIATION
#2204 Support for tripple (independent) Z-axis
#2248 Inverted (reverse) logic on steps (mm, percent, degree)
#2501 Heater timeout during pause
#2622 Movement speed control in the movement menu
#2762 Three Point Levelling Support
#2770 Height/layer as persistent info
#2772 Speed control in the move menu, alternative move menu

Marlin Emulator Related Features:
Currently no new features requested

RRF related features:
Please use Discussion #2278 for all RRF related features:
Requested features:
• Menu system for macros + "interactive" macros
• Thumbnail and menu system support for onboard gcodes
• Make the load/unload menu useable
#2141 RRF Macro menu icon view support
Thank you

Additional features and functions:
#361 remote firmware deploy with
#598 Implement "LittlevGL"
#1115 Add option for temp sensors
#1165 Smart Filament Sensor Module with Repetier-Firmware V2

Bug, Feature or Known Issue?:
#574 Optional' Enhancements (for CNC) Firmware assumes Tool, Extruder, Fan
#597 ESP32 CAM Compatibility
#958 WIFI REPETIER support

PS: A user asked me what happens with this list in case I do not want to maintain it anymore or when I die. Well, I am younger than my nickname makes you believe, but this is a valid question, so here is my answer.

Besides the possibility to reopen all tickets or to fall back to the status before this list has been made, there is still the option to copy and paste this ticket into a new one at any time. Or I am able to hand it over to another user, so I would do so...

Thank you

What you are trying to do here goes against best practices for managing issues. Issues should remain open if they are unresolved, so that people who are searching for something can see if it has been resolved or not. You seem to think that having a single issue to contain other issues is a good idea maybe as an overview, but really that is what the main GitHub list of issues is for, this is completely unnecessary and confusing.

You should not be asking people to close unresolved issues, it is going to cause a ton of confusion. Issues should be standalone, rather than having some crazy "master issue" as you've created here. If you want to categorize feature requests so it is easier to find them, apply a label using GitHub's built-in functionality for that. Then you can search the issues list for that label, exactly as designed and intended by GitHub and all other issue trackers.

Hi Jeremy.

Thank you for taking the time to answer me. It seems that you know GitHub much better than me, so it would be great if you could convince BTT to add such a structure.

I am in the production and business industry since more than 25 years, half of the time as a product manager. For all our products there are documents like "Known Issues" and a "Knowledge Base" covering the most important topics at a single place. And most of the other products and developments I know have something similar.

It is also best practise, that someone starting a ticket is taking care of it and in case he is not interested anymore, he closes this ticket. In case it is unused for some time, usually the owner of the repo closes it, or a Bot. This is all not the case here.

Many tickets are also opened, because the search function is not working well. There is a ticket #1158 which has "????" in its headline, search for it and check if you get a result. I get nothing.

Another reason is, that we had the situation that two engineers have been working on the same function "Mesh Bed Editor", without knowing from each other. My personal feeling is, that there are not too many engineers working on the software, so waisting time this way is far away from optimal.

Closing a ticket on page 2 or higher, and been listed in a pinned ticket instead is a good deal for me. The same time it makes the whole ticket system more useful. So I can see many benefits using this system for the price, that tickets which would never be found or which have not been used since months, have to be closed. Sounds like a good deal for me.

But lets see if we both agree on one thing. Look at this repository: Do you think that unmanaged repositories are working good enough, so that actions like this are not needed. Once we agree that this is not the case and we find a better way to avoid this, I am willing to do what ever is needed to introduce this better system.

Again, I really appreciate your input.

Thank you

I agree with him too. It is not the best solution but hopefully better than nothing. A few weeks ago we had around 250 open tickets and it was not usable anymore. Hope this helps to improve it further.

Why won't @bigtreetech add a management bot or something?

Feel free to add my #1135 to the list 😀

Feel free to add my #1135 to the list 😀

It’s a bug, not a feature.

Feel free to add my #1135 to the list 😀

It’s a bug, not a feature.

Thank you, I was aware it was a bug.
Or the other hand, it's something that isn't currently supported.

Any update or clues to how to do on #524 Vertical Screen GUI ?

This is such a disaster @oldman4U

Consolidating issues like this. If you want something to list issues to prioritise them, that's what Github Projects are for. Otherwise, duplicate projects get marked as duplicate and closed, while the original issue stays open. This is normal github etiquette.

That's irrelevant, but if you truly want a dick-swinging contest in the realm of "how long" - you've been a user of github for only 12 months. Look into the projects feature, it's a far better approach than what you're trying to do.

I've literally suggested that the Projects feature is how to go about it. Start here to learn:

I literally came to this repo from the Klipper repo to see how I might be able to contribute. I can't get a true sense of what's going on because a significant number of issues that are live issues are closed and compiled into this one and conversations are now dead. shrug If you really want a little kingdom, have at it.

Or maybe it takes more than 9 days to wrap my head around a new code base in a language I have barely used. I'm more likely to make a PR after two months. This is the pace of open source.

Clearly wasn't worth my effort to stroke your ego

#1298 On/Off terminalACK button
you can delete, it's done
Thank you

Hi radek.

Thank you for letting me know.

Happy printing

@oldman4U Hello, Thank you very much for your help in the project. Do you have Facebook to communicate with? If it is not convenient to publish, you can send your contact information to our email “


I hope you are doing fine.

It is now more than 2 months ago where you not only enlighted us with your appearance, but where you also told us that this amount of time is also the usual timeframe for a PR in the OS community. Now I ask myself how much substance has been behind your comments here and I am sure, also the whole Klipper community can not wait to see what you have done for them.

So please let me know when you will show us your contribution to this project.

Thank you

hello i get the G26 test leveling Working i need to finish some icon in other screen , how i can pull request ?

Sounds great!

I use GitHub Desktop for pushing PRs. Try it out and let us know in case you have a problem.

i will add babystep menu when test leveling is enabled ! its working too ! like we can adjust offset z at the moment like prusa printer !

Sounds great!

I use GitHub Desktop for pushing PRs. Try it out and let us know in case you have a problem.

ok i ill tell you soon thank you

This consolidated list does not replace feature requests.

None of the original feature requests should be closed as none of them have been implemented.

Closing the linked feature requests betrays the entire purpose of GitHub and makes it more difficult to fulfill feature requests, as they can no longer be properly tracked.

All of the linked feature requests must be reopened in their original requests. No wonder development of these TFT's has slowed, nobody can issue pull requests because all of the linked feature requests are closed.


why are you posting this here?

@oldman4U I think he's new at this repo. So he doesn't know why this is here.

He's posting it here because he actually understands GitHub


Are you here to present the results of your great work?

I am sure your friend Edward understand GitHub and you both are invited to improve this repo and make it a "real" GitHub.

So far all you and your friend left here is hot air. Not a single line of new code or a bug which could be fixed because of you.


I already tried to explain the situation here to your friend readeral before. Obviously he did not understand, so I'll try it again.

The time I joined this repository there have been almost 300 open tickets. Most of them have not been updated for weeks and months, almost like in this repo:

Unfortunately BIGTREETECH was too busy doing other things and therefore nobody was taking care. So some users like radek8, traffic-light,Tygrys-1, Gurmeet, and myself tried to organise this repo without the help of the owner. A few months later a bot was installed which closes tickets after 9 weeks of inactivity. To make sure that important tickets are still available without the need to search for closed tickets, two summary tickets have been opened.

To answer directly to your ticket above:

This consolidated list does not replace feature requests.
No, it does not. But what makes you believe that this could be the case?

None of the original feature requests should be closed as none of them have been implemented.
Agreed. It would be like this in an ideal world where the owner of this repo (or the user which opened a ticket) closes the ticket once it is not needed anymore. Unfortunately this is not the case.

Closing the linked feature requests betrays the entire purpose of GitHub and makes it more difficult to fulfill feature requests, as they can no longer be properly tracked.
Why does it make it more difficult to fulfill feature requests?
In an ideal world feature requests would be collected here, brought over to a development tool like JIRA once it is approved and closed automatically once fixed. But here it is sodom and gomorra, where bugs and features which are done are still in open tickets and vice versa and where users start tickets which are completely unrelated. See the SKR v1.3 or Marlin repo.

All of the linked feature requests must be reopened in their original requests. No wonder development of these TFT's has slowed, nobody can issue pull requests because all of the linked feature requests are closed.
Feel free to ask BTT, the owners of the tickets or someone else to open them again. I expect you to stay then here to take care - which would be great! We need people here actively working on this project. What we do not need here are users who tell others what to do and what is right and wrong, but not willing or able to contribute. Not sure I understand the need of an open feature request and the ability to issue a PR. Please explain.

I also have a question to you. It seems that you are a very smart developer with a successful history and I am sure you have a lot to do. What makes this little unimportant repository suddenly so important for you that you took the time to delight us with your presence?

Kind regards


Sorry, last question.

Do you really exist or are you a fake person because readeral has no friends?

7 repositories, with a total of 2 contributions in the last year and the domain on your profile: can be bought. In case you want to replace it one day:

An active GitHub user looks different. But I am sure you have several accounts, right!?


Are you here to present the results of your great work?

I am sure your friend Edward understand GitHub and you both are invited to improve this repo and make it a "real" GitHub.

So far all you and your friend left here is hot air. Not a single line of new code or a bug which could be fixed because of you.

If you look at my github activity, you'll note it's almost entirely javascript. I'm not a full-time programmer, and so learning C and C++ sufficiently to contribute is going to take me some time. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to fix my issue in 2021, but BOY would I LOVE someone who is proficient in C to have VISIBILITY OF ISSUES so they can just jump in and say "Oh yeah I can do that" but no, the way you've molested this repo has made that almost impossible.

Also, having looked at Domush's profile, see the "Pro" down the bottom there? That probably means they have been a github user for a while, and so paid to have private repositories (prior to them becoming free in the past year).

So this means that you can not contribute here because I messed up this repo so much. This is a massive lost for the community here but I understand your decision.

Still not sure how you and your friend could even find time to come and visit us.

Good luck

In one of your useless posts you wrote you came over from Klipper. You have 42 repos but Klipper is not there and I checked the tickets and PR's at the Klipper GitHub and it seems that you have been very active there because the result is 0.

You are my hero and where has you friend Domush been the last couple of hours? Another 9 day wonder?

Feel free to talk to BTT and take over. So far you did for this repo as much as your useless friend.

I honestly don't know why you call me 'useless friend' given I've never met Domush. BTT really have shot themselves in the foot allowing you access. But they clearly don't care enough anyway.

@Domush I'd love to see your fork

@Domush I'd love to see your fork

Everyone would at this point. 70k lines of could would change a lot, but alas, no proof. so these are just puff dragon screams for now.

@Domush I'd love to see your fork

I'll invite you to the repository later today.

Respect Domush. At least you delivered something and I am sure it can be useful for certain users. Unfortunately I can not check it because 3D prints are all I do on my machines.

But you readeral, you are really useless. Where is the Klipper support you have been talking about more than 2 months ago? All you added to this community so far is hot air and that you wasted my time. If this is everything we can expect from you I would recommend that you to try it somewhere else, because I have more important things to do than to educate you.

@oldman4U Can you add #1400 RRF compatibility for the FR list? :) Ther were already some commits to start RRF support, maybe this FR list could help to attract more developers. Thank you in advance!


Yes sure.

Hope this helps;-)

Thank you @oldman4U ! I am also a RRF user, sadly can't code, but try my best to ask for help in the RRF community. Do you think it is a good idea to add the RRF relates changes and requirements how to use it to the Readme along with the already implemented features? I will check out how I can commit readmes, but I could take my part in the job with documentation, to make it more visible.

Thanks @oldman4U I have a Windows, but I search for some compatible editor and experiment with a fork how GitHub works apart from chatting with people :D
There are already a handful of information regarding setup and functionality, I hope it could be helpful for new users who want to try it.

@bigtreetech hi,
Could you please review these two topics?
Can they be added to the TO DO list?
#1506 Clickable status buttons during print
#1572 Optimised Print menu and List/thumbnail selection addition to top row


They are already on the list, check again.


They are already on the list, check again.

Hi @oldman4U ,
I meant here #1830 .

@oldman4U, I will try to come up with some ideas for #1896. Not so much for a child lock (a 3D printer should be always put in a safe place where no child could reach it) but more in terms of a general "accidential touch" / "rotate" lock like a mobile keylock feature.

First idea I will give a try: Implement some kind of "long touch" on the title bar to lock and unlock the screen. Should not be to hard to implement.

Sounds great.

Please keep in mind the limited resources we have.

@oldman4U FR #1945 was implemented so you can remove it from the list

@oldman4U FR #438 and FR #810 have been implemented by PR #2241 so they can be removed from the list.
Furthermore the readme file should be updated reporting the following Octoprint integration guide:

Octoprint can optionally trigger some actions to the TFT sending specific gcodes. The following actions and the related triggering gcodes are currently supported by the TFT fw:

M118 A1 P0 action:print_start

M118 A1 P0 action:print_end

M118 A1 P0 action:cancel

M118 A1 P0 action:pause

M118 A1 P0 action:resume

time remaining progress:
M118 A1 P0 action:notification Time Left <XX>h<YY>m<ZZ>s (e.g. 02h04m06s)
M117 Time Left <XX>h<YY>m<ZZ>s

file data progress:
M118 A1 P0 action:notification Data Left <XXXX>/<YYYY> (e.g. 123/12345)
M117 Data Left <XXXX>/<YYYY>

When the trigger "print_start" is received, the TFT switches to Printing menu.
Once on Printing menu, the "pause", "resume" and "stop" buttons on the menu will be disabled.
That means only Octoprint will control the print.
Only on print end or cancel the TFT Printing menu is finalized (statistics available etc...) and unlocked (it can be closed).

NOTE: A new plugin on Octoprint implementing the above protocol should be the preferable way (available to everyone)

#2005 MULTI_VOLUME Support

Done in PR #2418, it all depends on Marlin's repository maintainers. (MarlinFirmware/Marlin#23780)

Could we get all marlin mode options in the TFT?

Would be great to get rid of marlin mode and it's cables.

Could we get all marlin mode options in the TFT?

Would be great to get rid of marlin mode and it's cables.

And what specifically are you missing? :-)

Status updates during PID autotuning.

Probe offset wizard

Those are off the top of my head that I needed Marlin Mode for so far.

I will let you know when I find more.

As far as I know, both named functions are available in touch mode (in the current version).

Special functions for atypical printer configurations can still be performed via commands in a terminal window.
I haven't run the Marlin mode on the printer for over a year.
Everything I need is configurable via touch mode.
I think in most cases with higher control comfort.

Unfortunately, there are currently a few edits and bug fixes waiting to be merged, but BTT probably isn't interested in continuing.

Status updates during PID tuning.

Probe offset wizard

Those are off the top of my head that I needed Marlin Mode for so far.

I will let you know when I find more.

Unless these are tucked away that I have not found.

Is there a V4 in the pipes?

Okay. You got me ;)

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.