
A repo for tweaks, configs, and customizations that make Ubuntu a lot nicer for me to use.

Primary LanguageLua

Miscellaneous Linux Configs


  • /copyq directory

  • Import ini file from the CopyQ UI.

  • Screenshot:

    Dump and load commands screenshot


  • /tilix directory

  • Dump config to file (example):

    dconf dump /com/gexperts/Tilix/ > tilix.dconf
  • Load config from file (example):

    dconf load /com/gexperts/Tilix/ < tilix.dconf
  • Screenshot (Click for sauce)

    Dump and load commands screenshot

    Note: Custom background images may be missing


  • /zsh directory

  • Oh My ZSH custom settings location: /.oh-my-zsh/custom

  • Exported:

    • Oh My ZSH
      • Aliases
      • Shortcuts (may not work outside source PC)
      • Themes
  • .zshrc not exported because effort

  • Use theme minibash

    # Add this line to ~/.zshrc

Visual Studio Code

  • /vscode directory

  • Default config locations:

    Config Subdirectory Location
    Keyboard Shortcuts keybindings ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json
    Settings N/A ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json
  • Subdirectories map to file names. File extensions are kept as is.

    Example: A file called 2022-10-10.json in the keybindings directory would be imported as keybindings.json into the ~/.config/Code/User/ directory


  • /nvim directory
  • Default config location: ~/.config/nvim


  • /misc directory

  • Convenience tweaks and configs

  • Items:

    File Description Instructions
    disable-tap-drag.sh Disables the double-tap to drag gesture on touchpads (GNOME only) Execute the shell script as admin
    mpv.config Configurations for mpv that remove vertical tearing during playback Load the config file from the Celluloid UI
  • Screenshots:

    • Celluloid config:

      Dump and load commands screenshot


  • Automate the import/export process (simple shell script should do it)
  • Script to set up entire OS(?) so it's comfortable to use immediately