
an AE script to make touch point effect easier

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TouchPoint Pro

an AE script to make touch point effect easier.


  1. Add a Touch point.  
  2. Move the point to fit your screen movement.
  3. Add actions like click or holds.
  4. You can add ripple effect to the elements that you 'click' on.


Add and customize your touch point

Auto motion tail

Add Actions(Click, Double Click, Press Down, Press Release)

Reset actions by re-arranging layer markers

Add ripples to where you click on

How to Install

Download the TouchPoint Pro.jsx file, (right click here, and choose save link as...).
Run AE, click File->Script->Run Script File... and choose the TouchPoint Pro.jsx file.

Or you can copy the TouchPoint Pro.jsx to your AE script folder:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\Support Files\Script\
/Applications/Adobe After Effects <version>/Scripts/

Then you can run it derectly from `File`->`Script`

see details

Or you can also copy the .jsx file to the /script/ScriptUI Panels/ to run from the AE Window menu.

If everthing goes right, you will see this:

Now you can enjoy it:)

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