Id Title Director Year Length
1 Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 81
2 Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton 2003 107
3 Ratatouille Brad Bird 2007 115

SELECT SELECT statement returns data from the table

SELECT title FROM movies;
SELECT director FROM movies;
SELECT title, director FROM movies;
SELECT title, year FROM movies;
SELECT * FROM movies;

WHERE WHERE clause helps to filter the data returned from the table

SELECT id, title FROM movies  WHERE id = 6;
SELECT title, year FROM movies WHERE year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2010;
SELECT title, year FROM movies WHERE year < 2000 OR year > 2010;
SELECT title, year FROM movies WHERE year <= 2003;
SELECT title, year FROM movies WHERE year <= 2003;
SELECT title, director FROM movies  WHERE director = "John Lasseter";
SELECT title, director FROM movies  WHERE director != "John Lasseter";
SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title LIKE "WALL-%";

ORDER BY It orders the column alphabetically by ascending or descending order

SELECT Director FROM movies ORDER BY director ASC;

SELECT Title FROM movies ORDER BY director DESC;

Distinct Removes duplicate rows from the result

SELECT DISTINCT Year From movies;

LIMIT & OFFSET Limits the number of result returned from the table Offset will specify where to begin counting the number rows from.

SELECT * from movies LIMIT 5;

SELECT * from movies ORDER BY Title ASC LIMIT 5;

SELECT * from movies ORDER BY Year DESC LIMIT 5;

SELECT DISTINCT year from movies ORDER BY Title ASC LIMIT 5;


City Country Population Latitude Longitude
Guadalajara Mexico 1500800 20.659699 -103.349609
Toronto Canada 2795060 43.653226 -79.383184
Houston United States 2195914 29.760427 -95.369803
Havana Cuba 2106146 23.05407 -82.345189

List all the Canadian cities and their populations

SELECT * FROM north_american_cities WHERE country = "Canada"

Order all the cities in the United States by their latitude from north to south

SELECT * FROM north_american_cities WHERE country = "United States" ORDER BY Latitude DESC;

List all the cities west of Chicago, ordered from west to east

SELECT city, longitude FROM north_american_cities WHERE longitude < -87.629798 ORDER BY longitude ASC;

List the two largest cities in Mexico (by population)

SELECT * FROM north_american_cities WHERE Country="Mexico" ORDER BY Population DESC LIMIT 2;

List the third and fourth largest cities (by population) in the United States and their population

SELECT * FROM north_american_cities WHERE Country="United States" ORDER BY Population DESC LIMIT 2 OFFSET 2;

JOIN combines row data across two separate tables using this unique key

bld.*, emp.years_employed FROM buildings AS bld LEFT JOIN employees AS emp ON bld.building_name = emp.building;

Find the domestic and international sales for each movie

SELECT * FROM movies INNER JOIN BoxOffice on = BoxOffice.Movie_id ORDER BY id;

Show the sales numbers for each movie that did better internationally rather than domestically

SELECT * FROM movies INNER JOIN BoxOffice on = BoxOffice.Movie_id WHERE domestic_sales < international_sales ORDER BY international_sales DESC;

List all the movies by their ratings in descending order

SELECT * FROM movies INNER JOIN BoxOffice on = BoxOffice.Movie_id ORDER BY rating DESC;