
:cocktail: Web-based database system for flow cell management (incl. REST API)

Primary LanguagePython

Documentation Status





Digestiflow Server

This project contains the code for the Digestiflow Server component of the Digestiflow Suite. The sibling projects are:

Digestiflow Suite

Digestiflow Server is the central component. It provides a a database system for managing Illumina flow cells and libraries with a web-based UI and a REST API. Its features include managing sample sheets, quality reports, a minimal "lab notebook" for note-taking and messaging, and sending out notifications on status changes.

Digestiflow CLI allows you to extract meta data and adapter index information from sequencer output directories. Usually, this is run in a regular (e.g., cron) job to monitor the directories where your sequencers store their output to automatically register new flow cells.

Digestiflow Demux allows you to demultiplex your flow cell data (semi)-automatically. Using the sample sheets entered in to Digestiflow Server, performs demultiplexing. This can also be run in a regular job to demultiplex flow cells as soon as sample sheets are provided in Digestiflow Server and marked as "ready for demultiplexing" there.


Please refer to the Installation section of the Documentation on how to install Digestiflow Server.

The recommended way is to Install with Docker Compose.