
E签宝-悟空API V2, 支持 laravel

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


E签宝-悟空API V2, 支持 laravel


$ composer require nilsir/laravel-esign -vvv


generate config file

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nilsir\LaravelEsign\ServiceProvider"
$eSign = app('esign');

$thirdPartyUserId = 'your_party_user_id'; // 用户唯一标识,可传入第三方平台的个人用户id、证件号、手机号、邮箱等,如果设置则作为账号唯一性字段,相同信息不可重复创建。
$name = 'your_name'; // 姓名
$idType = 'CRED_PSN_CH_IDCARD'; // 证件类型
$idNumber = 'your_id_number'; // 证件号
$mobile = 'your_mobile'; // 手机号, 签署流程开始时对应的签署人会收到短信通知
$email = 'your_email'; // 邮箱地址, 签署流程开始时对应的签署人会收到邮件通知

// 个人账户创建, 有唯一标志, 需要记录返回的 accountId
$accountInfo = $eSign->account->createPersonalAccount($thirdPartyUserId, $name, $idType, $idNumber, $mobile, $email);
$accountId = $accountInfo['accountId'];

// 测试合同模板ID
$templateId = 'd895b34de77041dca853aa454c042cb2';

// 测试合同模板填充变量
$simpleFormFields = [
    '1a54591dcb5f40bb86048743e7e21c18' => '测试名称',
    '9b55340f5a7a4b089dd7c03a397fa4ef' => '测试甲方',
    'c7efd37736a94e1c85ffb21fd0de88ff' => date('Y-m-d'),

// 根据模板创建文档
$fileInfo = $eSign->file->createByTemplateId($templateId, '租赁合同', $simpleFormFields);
$fileId = $fileInfo['fileId'];

// 创建一个签署流程
$flowInfo = $eSign->signflow->createSignFlow("租赁合同");
$flowId = $flowInfo['flowId'];

// 把文档加入签署流程中
$addDocRet = $eSign->signflow->addDocuments($flowId, $fileId);

// 在签署流程中添加一个手动签署区域, 前提是流程已经添加文档, 同时指定签署人 accountId
$handSignData = $eSign->signflow->addHandSign($flowId, $fileId, $accountId, 1, 100, 100);

// 签署流程开始, 签署人会收到通知 (前提有 mobile/email)
$startSignFlowRet = $eSign->signflow->startSignFlow($flowId);
echo $startSignFlowRet;


You can contribute in one of three ways:

  1. File bug reports using the issue tracker.
  2. Answer questions or fix bugs on the issue tracker.
  3. Contribute new features or update the wiki.

The code contribution process is not very formal. You just need to make sure that you follow the PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2 coding guidelines. Any new code contributions must be accompanied by unit tests where applicable.
