About Me

I am pursuing my Masters in Computer Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology Karnataka,Surathkal. My areas of interest are Computer Networking, Machine Learning and Image Processing. To know more about me, check out my resume.

My Projects

Implementation of MADPIE Algorithm in ns-3

PIE is an Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanism developed to address the bufferbloat problem. MADPIE algorithm was proposed to address the drawbacks of PIE, but exhaustive evaluation of MADPIE shows that it fails to achieve the same. Read more at here.

Implementation of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in TCP over wireless network in ns-3

This project is a minor modification to the working of ECN and TCP, but provides a significant improvement in the performance of TCP over wireless network. Read more at here.

Diabetes Risk among Women

This project aims to find the relationship between various health indicators and the risk of onset of Diabetes Mellitus in women. A logistic regression model was developed with accuracy of 86%.. Read more at here.

A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Segmentation of Retinal Cysts in SD-OCT Images

In this project, an unsupervised automatic cyst detection and segmentation algorithm for SD-OCT images was developed. The developed algorithm uses K-means algorithm for clustering and level set algorithm for the segmentaion and has precision of 82%.


An Energy Aware Reliable And Robust Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Network

This paper proposes an energy aware reliable and robust routing protocol (EA3RP) which finds an efficient forwarding path between source and destination node using a heuristic function.This paper was presented in International Conference on Trends in Research,Engineering & Developmental Sciences, Kerala, India, June 16-17, 2016.

