This is a complete pipeline demonstrating:
- Continuous integration process once a code is merged into the "main" branch of a project
- Building an image once the tests are done
- Deploying the image into a dev/test environment
- Manual promotion of a deployment to prod environment
- cloudbuild.yaml holds the CI pipeline steps
- clouddeploy.yaml holds the CD pipeline steps
Create two clusters
export PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project) export PROJECT_1=${PROJECT} export LOCATION_1=us-west1 export CLUSTER_1=cluster1 export CTX_1="gke_${PROJECT_1}_${LOCATION_1}_${CLUSTER_1}" export PROJECT_2=${PROJECT} export LOCATION_2=us-west1 export CLUSTER_2=cluster2 export CTX_2="gke_${PROJECT_2}_${LOCATION_2}_${CLUSTER_2}" gcloud container clusters create-auto ${CLUSTER_1} \ --region ${LOCATION_1} \ --release-channel "regular" gcloud container clusters create-auto ${CLUSTER_2} \ --region ${LOCATION_2} \ --release-channel "regular"
Create a Cloud Build Trigger:
- Using Cloud Console
- OR using command line:
gcloud beta builds triggers create github --repo-name hello-skaffold-gke --repo-owner bijukunjummen --branch-pattern '^main$' --name hello-skaffold-gke-exp --build-config cloudbuild.yaml
Create a Deployment Pipeline -
gcloud deploy apply --file=clouddeploy.yaml --region=us-west1