Program: Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program
Project: Flight Surety
Date: 30th of December 2021
The project is about flight delay insurance for passengers.
Managed as a collaboration between multiple airlines
Passengers purchase insurance prior to flight
If flight is delayed due to airline fault, passengers are paid 1.5x the amount they paid for the insurance.
Oracles are providing flight status information.
decentralized platform for running smart contracts -
as a development environment to test and deploy contracts. -
browser extension providing wallet functionality to interact with DApp.
Truffle Version: v.5.2.0
Solidity: 0.4.25
Ganache CLI: v6.12.2
Node: v14.16.0
Web3.js v.1.2.9
# smart contract
ganache-cli -l 9999999 -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" --accounts=100
truffle compile # compile contract to build\contracts
truffle migrate # deploy smart contracts
truffle test # run truffle tests
# start up oracle server application
npm run server
# start up frontend dap
truffle migrate
npm run dapp
Running truffle test
Viewing the UI allows to trigger Oracles and submit insurance funding.