
Welcome to the BookStore API, a RESTful API built with Flask, secured with JWT for authorization, and documented using OpenAPI.

Primary LanguagePython

BookStore API

Welcome to the BookStore API, a RESTful API built with Flask, secured with JWT for authorization, and documented using OpenAPI.


  1. RESTful Architecture: The API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST), providing a scalable and maintainable architecture for managing book-related operations.

  2. JWT Authorization: Secure your API endpoints with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to control access and ensure that only authorized users can perform sensitive operations.

  3. Flask Framework: Utilizing the lightweight and powerful Flask framework, the API is designed for flexibility and ease of development. Flask enables rapid development without sacrificing performance.

  4. OpenAPI Documentation: Comprehensive API documentation is available through OpenAPI, making it easy for developers to understand and integrate with the API seamlessly.

Getting Started To get started with the BookStore API, follow these simple steps:

Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/bikash-789/BookStore-API.git Install Dependencies:

cd BookStore-API pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Environment: Set up your environment variables, including JWT secrets and database configurations.

Run the Application:

python app.py Explore API Documentation:

Visit the OpenAPI documentation at http://localhost:3000/swagger to understand and interact with the available endpoints.