Alternative firmware for the Wifi modules of the following thermostats:
- Floureon C17.GH3 WiFi Thermostat
- MoesHouse BHT-002-GBLW Thermostat
This code only replaces the firmware on the wifi module of the thermostat. It allows for non-cloud control of your wifi thermostat through MQTT (ie Home Assistant).
Home Assistant Config Example:
- platform: mqtt
name: Livingroom Thermostat
- "off"
- "heat"
- "auto"
availability_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/availability"
action_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/ha_action"
mode_command_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/ha_mode/set"
temperature_state_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/setpoint_temp"
temperature_command_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/setpoint_temp/set"
current_temperature_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/internal_temp"
mode_state_topic: "Thermostat-d63a9a/ha_mode"
min_temp: 12
max_temp: 26
temp_step: 0.5
precision: 0.5
retain: false